Exmouth 06
I thought I should kick off the new forum, especially considering the talk has started to heat up a bit lately with a few reports from Exmouth about the fishing fortunes. We are leaving on July 2nd for 2 weeks, so nearly 7 weeks away until departure. (cant half tell I'm looking foward to it)
We've got Spooled and the Port Hedland mobsters joining us in the 2nd week, which should be verrrrry interesting. Might have to be a few friendly fishing competitions based upon Andy Mac's system, with the points being changed to a beer tab. You had better start casting in the paddling pond paulie. :) Jokes jokes.
Really looking foward to it and as the wise man Gribbo would say:
Dont worry about me man, just worry bout me rods.
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Bloody hell I better start finding some people who can do the job and not drink more than than the amount of baits they put on a hook a day.
I might have to get some of my own sponsorships from the local fish and tackle shop in PH and the cricket club to help pay for the beer TAB. It's not quantity it's quality. This helps me a little!!
I will have Jamesy on my team that must count for some handicap points. Surely!!
Yes exmouth is defineitely on the mind for the next few weeks and finishing that last week of work while Ads( you lazy $#@%%) is fishing Exmouth will be difficult.
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Date Joined: 14/08/05
exmouth coralbay
spewing ive got a trip on the go from the 15 of july for 10 days .will be staying at coralbay with 2 big alli boats coming up from perth, busso area,am planning on a day or two of tandabidi with jack having his birthday in exmouth around the 20th.so ill miss you guys by a couple of days .should be some good stories to tell at the end of it all.good luck and may the best boat win ,hicup hicup
always in it just the depth that varies
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Date Joined: 25/07/05
Don't worry about me worry about my rods
don't worry spooled the slow down boys have their own special handicap ;)
Posts: 1556
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Going up in last week of
Going up in last week of july, actually looking for an extra couple people if anyones interested. PM me. (Not definate yet, but probably am looking)
Posts: 642
Date Joined: 09/09/05
me too......
me too........ I'm also heading up in the last week of july for a couple of weeks.........:-), this'll be my first serious "up north with the boys" with fishin trip. Heading up with Ryan and his new 6.5m savage, and half of his tackle shop teehee..... Might see if we can hook up(pun intended) while we're up there eh Shizz. Where bouts ya staying? We got a house in Exxy town...
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dunno yet probably light
dunno yet probably light house caravan park , booking this weekend or so my mate said. Wouldnt mind a house in town but the light house has the advantage of strolling across the road and catching fish :)
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Date Joined: 15/08/05
Yep I'm going up that way @21st July for two weeks....
Might see you at the Potshot Deefa before we head across the Gulf
not looking forward to the sandflies......lucky the fishing is so hot you forget about the itchy little bastards....gee its a hard life
Posts: 913
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New moon
New moon on the 25th as well......
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we kind of planned our trip
we kind of planned our trip around moons, tides etc.
From my discussions with Ryan, from his previous trips this appears to be a real good time of year.... :-)
Salmo- are you camping the other side of the gulf. I remember reading an article in one of the wa mag's recently(may have even been written by you......?????) about the fishing over there, sounds interesting....
honsu chin
Posts: 2086
Date Joined: 20/09/05
hmm......no ones going on
hmm......no ones going on the last week of June?? =(
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Gulf Fishing
Got Salmo's Exmouth Gulf fishing video, bloody good I must say! Unfortunately I'm not sure how to rip it off that version of dvd so can't put it up for everyone to see. :( Also its rather long, but the whale footage is magnificent, I will see what I can do when I get some free time.
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Salmo, guess ill catch you
Salmo, guess ill catch you up there too then! Looks like i now have 2 extra places to drink at night :p
fishwrecked piss up anyone :D
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Think Exmouth will be getting sick of fishwrecked pissups by the end of July. Don't worry, we'll let the Pottie bar waitresses know that you hound dawgs are coming. :)))
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Port to Exmouth
We are set to roll out of Hedland at 2:11pm on July 7th 2006, be in Exmouth mid morning Saturday. Have got the rig sorted and am downright jealous of the fish that are being updated on this website. They are awesome fish. I have just rigged all my pushers and divers but those fish might need some larger leeder. Back to the drawing board. Ads you got my daisy chain sorted??
Keep the photos coming boys!! good job
FW pissups is defineitely on the go and Ads James maybe a concern for your camp. Not on the fishing stakes but on the bottle. Rum pigs just take new meaning with that fella.
Regards Spooled
Posts: 11
Date Joined: 20/04/12
YU could consider supporting the Game fishing clib and drink at Nemos food is good and cheap as well
Posts: 328
Date Joined: 27/10/14
About 10 years late on that
About 10 years late on that one mate.. this is a 2006 post
Posts: 85
Date Joined: 16/02/06
Rowley Shoals
I am off to the Rowley Shoals for a week in July. I understand the weather can be a bit blowy this time of year but hopefully the sails should be out in force. I will be fishing across the change in moon so it will be interesting to see if it goes off out there.
I have never been out to a place such as this so I cant wait to see what's on offer. Some nice GT's and sails with plenty of others will be well worth the wait and the effort.
Good fishing and good luck on your journeys fisho's
Posts: 17
Date Joined: 28/05/06
Lucky bugger
You lucky bugger , Rowley Shoals is a fishing mecca for most , everyone should go there at least once , what gin palace are you going over on , I heard "Flying fish 5" is doing a couple of runs over this season .
once again , you lucky bugger .
The EVIL Rayman.
Posts: 1556
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We gots a house in town now,
We gots a house in town now, so its all go. 4 of us going up too, still deciding weather to take a dingy up or just hire a larger boat when up there. We going up on the 23rd for 8 days. As deefa said the moons and tides look great.
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Moon and tides are looking
Moon and tides are looking sweet unna.....!!!!
House in town ay...... i think i mentioned earlier, we've got a house up there too..... looking more and more like a mighty big Exxy piss up with regular fishwrecked and fwa guys.....We're staying in cameron st, staggering distance from town...hehehehe)
Not long now, 7 weeks....yeeehaaaaaa
Adam Gallash
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Next time you at Oceanside Deefa, ask Gribbo about his efforts with staggering home from the Pottie. Picture this, the Exmouth sidewalk walking back to the cape caravan park, with 20 meters of grass on one side and the road on the other. Now theres this waist high sign in the middle of the grass, under the lights, with nothing but grass in sight anywhere. Nothing in sight except for this one random sign, perfectly placed in the middle of the grass as plain as day for anyone to see. So Gribbo, one extremely pissed pub patron comes strolling through after chucking a slash in the bushes. All of us have walked ahead about 50 meters until we hear this boom, crash and body hit the floor. Poor Gribbo had walked straight through the sign and performed a perfect 10 stack with about 3 commando rolls in front of us, we all just about died with laughter when he said, where the FU*K did that come from..
Anyway, when we finally got back to the park it was time for him to hug the tree and give it some nutrients.
Definately a highlight for one of the funniest pissed Exxy moments.
As Gribbo would say,
Don't worry bout me, just worry bout me rods. :))))
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sounds too funny Adam, don't
sounds too funny Adam, don't know him too well, but he does comes across as a funny pissed bugger. They type who'll do silly things when drunk, don't we all..........:-)
I saw him online here a couple of mins ago, praps we can get a comment from the stuntman himself.......
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Cant say i have any memories
Cant say i have any memories of exxy drinkin so far(past few trips have been rather placid), but ill be sure to have a few under my belt after this trip. :D I imagine throwing poppers at night drunkst could turn out to be quite interesting too.
Posts: 17
Date Joined: 28/05/06
wish I was going
Well wish I could , BUT
I'm looking at selling the trusty 00 ute and getting one of them new rodeo's thay they are giving that chick away with .
I could put her on the street to pay for the car , should only take a couple of months to pay the rig off with miss Wilkes working for me ??
I should get 13 or 14 K for my ute and only need 3 or 4 thou more for the ute and tray .
I just love that the country boys are hunting down VS utes to turn into outback utes and being a 2000 model it's the last of the VS model..
Andy Mac
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Date Joined: 03/02/06
Andy Mac's Exmouth trip
Maybe, possibly, probably I will be up there from 16th June to the 24th June. Just need to find someone to look after all of my clients while I am away and I will be confirming arrangements. Have a house and hired an 8m cat with brand new twin 115 4 strokes on the back.
Would have loved to take my boat up there but the trip was planned on very short notice (I am a fill-in for a 5 man crew). All this talk of Exmouth got me sucked in and now I can't pass up the opportunity. Shame no-one else will be up there then. I'll certainly let you guys know the low down on my return. Not that I will do any good. Don;t know the waters as well as I do back home so it will be a few educated guesses as to where to go. Any pointers in the "RIGHT" direction would be appreciated. Pics and video's will be on the agenda of course.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
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I knew all that gloating I did just before we departed for the infamous Exmouth would come back to bite me in the arse!!
Bloody hell there is a lot of you heading up, wonder if Exmouth knows what is going to hit it - much worse than any cyclone I reakon.
Andy it isnt real hard in Exy mate, for mackies just troll the 25-40m dropoff south of the passage at Tantabiddi and while doing that keep an eye on the sounder and mark any good reefs to bottom fish later. Nice and simple and works a treat.
Adam Gallash
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Well well well Andy, some great news indeed. I look foward to indepth reports of where the fish are, what you caught them on, what minute of the day they were caught, how they were cooked and if theres any new hot backpackers chicks in the pottie for when the hound dawgs get there. Lol. Sounds like you got a pretty awesome rig setup, hope the fish are co-operative. :))) Like that advice Gully, sounds like a winning combo.
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Man im getting jealous...by the sounds of it everyones goin up to exmouth but me!! Oh well, look forward to hearing all about it and seeing all the photos, footage etc.. Adam sounds like you'll be fishing for fish and chicks.... oh the glory of being single hahaha may aswell have the best of both worlds :)
Adam Gallash
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Not me
Hahahah Davo, nah not me. A few of spooled's crew will certainly be trouble, I can just see it. :)
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Dont worry Davo. I just asked my missus and Im not aloud to go either. Just means there might actually be some fish still in perth for us while there all gone
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exmouth coral bay
Send the hottie backpackers down the road to coral bay....
Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
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Hottie backpackers
I'm getting too old for all that sort of stuff, however just for you guys I will be telling them all that if they see any guys wearing these black shirts with fishwrecked logo's on them, they are from paramount pictures latest production group, shooting a new Brad Pitt and Matthew McConaghey movie and will be filming up here over the next 2 months. My team are just the location scouts, but the filmimg starts in a few weeks, so keep an eye out for the guys as you might be able to meet some of the stars. Several of the guys will be in town with their agents and body guards.
Play along boys it might just be an angle to work, even better if you deny it, by saying "who told you that?" and "I can't comment" just to arouse their suspicions and curiosity.
Oh to be young again!
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
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Did somebody say
Did somebody sat flatbackers?
Oops freudian slip! ;o)
How old do you feel now Andy? ;o)
Anyone else like me, wish they were in Exmouth with a few flatbackers about now?
Sheesh is it getting warmer in here or is it just me???
No I think Winters over and summers definitely getting closer coz things are warming up nicely!
Bring on the flatbackers I say! ;o)
Posts: 485
Date Joined: 04/02/06
Ohhh - Hottie backpackers!!
Seems my eyesights not what it once was!
I coulda swore that said Flatbackers Andy! ;o)
Ohh well, I guess that just leaves one of lifes quintessential unanswered questions!
If the Hokey Pokey - IS what it's REALLY all about, should I put in in, take it out, or just shake it all about?
One of lifes great unsloved mysteries - just like the summer migration north of grey nomads & spring hatch at the beach of flatbackers! ;o)
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Date Joined: 07/08/05
hey adam, more pictures like
hey adam, more pictures like those ones and fishwrecked will need a new server itll be gettin so many hits :P
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
yeah shizz, their bandwidth
yeah shizz, their bandwidth will be goin through the roof!
honsu chin
Posts: 2086
Date Joined: 20/09/05
TWO WEEKS and I'll be up in
TWO WEEKS and I'll be up in fishing wonderland =)
Big Kev
Posts: 441
Date Joined: 10/06/06
I'll be in Exmouth mid June
I'll be in Exmouth mid June to July another group coming up from Bunbury,can't wait.
Posts: 913
Date Joined: 15/08/05
Looking forward to the
Looking forward to the trip.....
we should all agree to meet for a beer or a burnt chop....
honsu chin
Posts: 2086
Date Joined: 20/09/05
so who's gonna be there at
so who's gonna be there at for the last week of June??
Can meet up at the pub??
Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
See ya up there Salmo
Yeah we arrive on the 17th for a week so we should cross over. No doubt we'll see each other at the pottie one night. Hopefully they will have the big screen up so we can watch the world cup action every night.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
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ill be there tomorrow just after lunch.staying at light house van park.only there for 4 days .so if anyones up that way let me know ill be watching the scoccer somwhere tomorrow night.does anyone know what time the game is on ?
cheers mitch
always in it just the depth that varies
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Date Joined: 14/08/05
exmouth soccer
just got todays paper .sbs 8.30 go the aussies oi oi oi!!!!.might be a late start fishing tuesday morning.think the winds gunna be up first thing anyway.
always in it just the depth that varies
Kasey L.
Posts: 1390
Date Joined: 02/03/06
For as long as it is still
"For as long as it is still called 'soccer', a person will never understand the passion that is football."
Don't mean to target anyone, but good quote that is.
But lets not get into an argument. ;)
Viva le World Cup! Its the time of samba!
Posts: 1556
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MMM exmouth. I expect
MMM exmouth. I expect reports by the 2 or 3 groups ahead of me :P
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yah ha
me and jack are gone .6 hours and ill be dipping my feet in exxie gulf.as HEWIT would say 'COME ON'''''big fishie fishie
hopefully ill give the you fishwrecked crew a good early report for all your june july trips
always in it just the depth that varies
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
try get some shore bashing
try get some shore bashing in too, thats more of a challenge anyway :P
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we are back
got back from exxie yesterday arvo.weather was great .the wind was up in the mornings but by 1 ish in the arvo it would drop and drop till about 6 when we would putting the boat on the trailer looking around at a sea that was like one big wobblie mirror.
got into a few fish .did a lot of trolling picking up a nice 5kg rankin a few small mack tuna ,doggie mackies dropped what looked like a 20kg plus spaniard before i could get a gaff into him.we did score a nice 10kg broard bar mackie which we gave to a couple people at the van park also trolled up a nice coral trout plus a cobia.while ab was playing the cobia i was winding in the other lure and a big whaler [shark] hit the lure which i havent heard of before .got him boat side then did my best to bust him of.
bottom bouncing we picked up some good size spangled emperor ,another 2 coral trout and heaps of charlie courts.all in all it was a great trip which ended way to soon.special thanks to rumpy for taking us out in his dads BIG boat
cheers mitch
[img_assist|fid=25643|thumb=0|alt=spangle brothers]
these 2 trout were pulled up in the same spot about 2minutes apart .check out the different colours
[img_assist|fid=25649|thumb=0|alt=2 trout]
the fishwrecked crew
[img_assist|fid=25652|thumb=0|alt=FW crew]
always in it just the depth that varies
Adam Gallash
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Date Joined: 29/11/05
AWESOME FELLAS, got me well and truly amped! AB's spanglies a beauty.
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ive got those 2 spanglies on vidio.with Ab playing his and jack hooking up on my rod .both fish landed within about 20 seconds of each other.jacks got some good footage of the cobia coming in with me in background trying to get a shark boatside. there was a hell of alot of tidal movment .making holding bottom quite a challenge
we did troll a few skirts for a while of tandabidi with no luck .tried a gar as well but not a sniff.weather was great though ,
the tanda ramp is still in need of another 10 or so metres of concrete.watched a few boys pulling a 18ft plate alli plus 4wd nissan out with the help of a PTO winch ,digging the crap out of the sand below the ramp
always in it just the depth that varies
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
All these exmouth photo's
All these exmouth photo's arent helping the fact ive still got a month to go! Dag nammit i wanna go now!
Mitch, those coral trout, what sorta depth you trawl them up in? And is that a 3m diving 125scorp or a 7m?
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
We got a hire car for this trip, still a bit scared of the biddi ramp. Just have to wait for the tide I guess. Sounds like there were a few fish about, can't wait!
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flying up adam?
flying up adam?
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Nah, driving up
Nah, driving up. All the cars we have available are a bit underpowered to tow up the boat and its not worth risking something happening and ruining our holiday for how much it costs to hire one.
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so hiring boat and car eh?
so hiring boat and car eh? Sure the prelude wont be able to tow a boat outta tantabitti :P
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Date Joined: 14/08/05
the 2 trout in the pics above wre caught on bait in about 15m of water the rankin was on a 7m or maybee 8 m deep diver lure caught of the back of hellby bank in at least 25m of water .the boat was just put into neatral while jack was pulling in a little mac tuna. so ide say the boat was only going a about 2knots when the rankin hit it .jacks still got a few pics of another trout which was trolled up on a 7m diver in about 12m of water.i have noticed before that the trout seem to like a slow troll speed .have seen em caught on a turning boat when the lures are slowing on a fairly tight 180degree turn significantly slowing down the lure
always in it just the depth that varies
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
thanks for the tip mitch,
thanks for the tip mitch, will give that a whirl when i get up there
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
so getting back on track,
so getting back on track, what dates is everyone going up and for how long?
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Well, we are off next Sunday until Thursday week, 3rd until 13th. Believe Honsu is up there at the moment, not sure if Andy Mac's back yet. Big Kev's up there until Friday I think and then there's Salmo. I Think Deefa and Ryan might be heading up around the same time as you thou Shizz, not 100% thou.
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Andy Mac
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Just got back last night
Well it lived up to all my expectations, had a ball, lengthened my species list and even had a big marlin connected for a very short space of time.
When I get myself organised I will post a few pics (didn't take too many - too busy catching fish) and if I can get the right software convert a few vids for everyone to see. Unfortunately the vids were taken using a borrowed camera and I don;t have the right drivers etc installed.
I will open up a new forum and give you all a run down on what to catch and where.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
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You're right Adam
Ryan and I are heading up for the last week of July thru to the 8/8/06.........gettin excited now, especially after AndyMacs' report....
Posts: 1556
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awesome, will definatly have
awesome, will definatly have to catch up for a fish/beer deefa and ryan. We going on 22nd for a 8 days. Ill PM you closer to the time and we can tee somethin up.
Posts: 642
Date Joined: 09/09/05
you bet
Sounds like a plan Shizz, looking forward to it....
You know Honsu's & others are up there as we speak don't ya, lucky sods.... our time will come!!!
Posts: 812
Date Joined: 09/05/06
Well I'll just be going to a boring old cray fishing town called Kalbarri....how boring...I'll be up there from the 14th July to the 19th July. Will be hiring Laurie Maltons 6.1m Ali for 2 days ina row. Got some good marks up north. Hopefully the macs and tuna are still hanging around town if not north of it. Happy times to all.....ATB MAXY
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
well honsu, kayc rob and co
well honsu, kayc rob and co had a good trip, hopefully mine can be at least half as good and ill be happy!
You taking a CDMA up deefa? ill get ya mobs so we can catch up for a beer. Just a heads up, we may be younger than youse but we can sure as heck drink ya under the table! haha oh dear, what have i got myself into.
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Not cdma
But the guy i'm with will have his, dunno if he'd want his mobi number given out though, you may have it already anyways Shizz.
Do "normal" mobiles not get coverage up there? I woulda thought they would. Does anyone know if they do? If they do, i'll PM ya my mobi...
Your challenge is accepted btw, we'll have to set aside a night for a serious session, praps tie it in with a shore fishing day the next day, you dig? Drinking us old boys under the table.....pfffffttttt!!!!
Posts: 812
Date Joined: 09/05/06
By the looks of deefa shizz you beta start putting in some serious drinking hours....NO offence deefa. I'm sure it'll be a walk in the park! ATB MAXY
Posts: 642
Date Joined: 09/09/05
None taken Maxy, its a fair assumption you've made that i enjoy a quiet drink or seventeen,...... for those that know me, know that is an understatement....hehehe
Still waitin to hear if anyone knows if "normal" as opposed to cdma's get coverage up there?
Andy Mac
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telstra only
Only Telstra has coverage. I was the only mug with a Telstra phone so I reckon my bill will be massive this month.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
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Thanx Andy
Luckily(or is that unluckily????) i'm with Telstra... My wife-n-kids'll be happy, safe in the knowledge that they can keep track of me.
PM sent Shizz....
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
haha hey max199 this body is
haha hey max199 this body is drinking machine! my ultra fast metabolism helps me disolve the alcohol quicker hah Pitty your not there too ya prick or id give you a run for ya money too! haha :P jk max...if that is your REAL NAME :p
and yeh as andy mac said usually telstra works up there, 3g which roams onto telstra is supposed to but doesnt for some reason.
Posts: 1260
Date Joined: 06/06/06
SAT phone
As soon as SAT phones become more affordable thats what I'll be getting , phone available anywhere anytime .
AND it won't be long till they are affordable.
OFW member 088
Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.
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and cheap call rates.... ATB MAXY
Posts: 485
Date Joined: 04/02/06
anywhere anytine?
Ya dreamin!
I have 2 sat phones and neither are worth a knob of nannygoat poop IMHO!
Spent 3 days at the abrolhos islands once with no signal at all!
Turned out their was a power failure at Meekatharra (over easter) where the down station recieves the data from the sattelite!
There was a backup generator there - but some enterprising passing truck driver had stolen all the diesel outta the tank, and they couldn't get anyone to drive a tanker to Meeekataharra for 3 days to refill the tank bye which time the power was restored anyway!
Such is the reliability of globalstar!
When it works it's OK - but you wouldn't want to be treading water with noah's circling while your dialing up for help! ;o)
They are better than nothing but about as reliable as two tin cans with a piece a string between em - don't let any salesman tell you otherwise!
They are as dear as poison too - calls at 3 bucks a minute soon add up, because your paying for all that sattelite delay time, plus the time for the other end to answer etc etc, soon as your signal hits the sattelite your paying whether anyone answers at the other end or not!
Also - you pay if anyone rings you (incomming calls)@ the same rate.
I have a few bills from global star here for over 2K closer to 3K...
Best get a healthy cashflow, if you want to pay to run a sat phone is my advice!
Theres a lot of things you CANNOT do on a sat phone too - for eg - you cannot talk to any number that answers with a computerised voice! (i.e telstra banks etc etc) because the sat delay time trips the computer into thinking you didn't hear understand and starts repeating the menu again when your data finally gets thru and so on and on you go in a contiuniuos loop trying to trick the computer into letting you talk to a real person - due to the sat delay - all of this at $3 a minute!
It's a friggenn scam designed to empty out your bank account!
I.e. you might want / need while on that offshore island to pay your monthly sat phone account with your credit card, so you don't get cut off! But because their system is rooted - you burn up your last available credit trying to make a cll to pay the bill - talking to a computer at the other end that can't handle the sattelite delay to allow you to pay your bill!
How screwed is that - you end up broke and cut off because the company selling the sat Phone can't program a computer to allow you to talk to a real person to pay your bill!
Sat phones are FAR from what they are cracked up to be!
They are better than nuthing but barely!
Best to understand the pitfalls before you spend the $ IMHO!
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
12 days for me....
12 days for me....
Posts: 642
Date Joined: 09/09/05
me tooooooooooooo!!!!
honsu chin
Posts: 2086
Date Joined: 20/09/05
Hmm.....I wonder how Adam
Hmm.....I wonder how Adam and the boys are doing???
**Oceanside = Van Staal, Avets, Jigmaster rods, etc... **
Oceanside Tackle and Marine
364 South Street,
O'Connor, Perth WA
Ph# 9337 5682
** OPEN 7 DAYS **
Posts: 913
Date Joined: 15/08/05
Re mobile coverage
CDMA work up at Exmouth...you don’t need a Satphone (agree with Trouty I had one for work a while back and it was crap....then the company Skysat went bum up....
You can hire Satphones in Perth if the wife is desperate to talk to you (check up on you more like it)
My CDMA works 60km east of town and around 10km west (furtherest I been west)
My laptop is has Centrio CDMA so I can use it while we are up there....good to check the lastest weather reports....might see if we can do trip updates for the suckers stuck at home!!!!!
Posts: 642
Date Joined: 09/09/05
Ryan has cdma
.....so there'll bve no escapin the good lady....
Are you still headin up and headin over the gulf Salmo?
11 days.....!!!!! :-)
Kasey L.
Posts: 1390
Date Joined: 02/03/06
i wanna go up again =( =(
i wanna go up again =( =( =(
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
this time next week ill be
this time next week ill be almost wetting a line, well at least my lips with a coldie as we arrive in exxy!
heres 1 of the 2 trays for GT's and what ever else takes these big freakin poppers :P
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Can't half tell your excited Shizza! Make sure you take a boat with ya, we were trolling the back of bundegi reef and still getting a heap of fish on the tide that were punishing the light gear.
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Date Joined: 07/08/05
we doing alot of shore
we doing alot of shore fishing this time, its what we are concentrating on. How ever there will be 2 days we are hiring a boat so should be a good mix.
Posts: 642
Date Joined: 09/09/05
........a couple more days, leaving sunday night/monday morning for 2 1/2 weeks od sportfishin bliss........... roll on friday
Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
Good Luck Deefa
Not that you guys will need it, with Mr Fish Magnet himself Ryan T leading the expedition.
Hope the weather holds out for you and you get a good break from the wind.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Posts: 642
Date Joined: 09/09/05
and thanx Andy....
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Good luck
Sure you guys won't need too much luck, as long as the weather stays good you'll be in for an awesome time. All the best, drive safe!
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 642
Date Joined: 09/09/05
You guys keep referring to
You guys keep referring to the weather, do ya's know something i/we don't???????
Oh, and thanx Adam
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Just that those bloody easterlies, south easterlies anything nearly easterly make conditions pretty horrid. They blew strong most of the time we were there, just hope they are better for you guys.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
yeh i think they are pretty
yeh i think they are pretty common the ole easterlies, but oh well, 2 more days ;) bit of wind never stopped me, after fishing the north mole in 50knot winds and 5 meter swell on the rocks i think a bit of wind is the least of my worries.
oh yeah, and one more for good luck......... TWO DAYS!!
Now going into work shut off mode, good luck gettin tackle advice of me for the next 2 days heh my head will be elsewhere.