Seasonal dhuey/baldie migration patterns

We all know that pinkies tend to be out deep in summer months then come winter storms they move inshore. Just wondering if dhueys/ baldies are known to have a seasonal migration pattern? Ive got a week long boys trip mid April off jurien bay coming up. Just wondering whether wei should hit up spots in the 80 odd metre depths or  30 - 50m depths to target the larger dhueys off Jurien. Thanks ahead for any tips!

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Posts: 2633

Date Joined: 03/03/09

From my records only out to the 50's

Thu, 2025-03-13 11:08

 All my big dhu have come from that general depth, Not quite to 20kg but several over 15 up to 19.5

Deeper have been plagued by snapper and red throat