YFT Trench

YFT Trench

Dirt's picture

Posts: 463

Date Joined: 04/03/10


Tue, 2012-04-10 22:13

 Awsum capture, when did you catch that,I thought it was all over but the shouting this year for the pelagic activity out wide . How was the water temp

southpoint's picture

Posts: 47

Date Joined: 30/03/11


Tue, 2012-04-10 22:21

Got this last weekend but they were out there Saturday and yesterday in some good numbers. It took the Richter UV Blue Soft Oscar which is my favourite new lure. We had a triple hook up of fish all around the same size out wide on "Budda". It went over 30 Kg but the scales only went to 30 so it was a good metro fish for sure.

Water temp around 23-24.2 nothing special just find the birds!

Dirt's picture

Posts: 463

Date Joined: 04/03/10

Cheers for that

Tue, 2012-04-10 22:30

 Have got the rest of the week off so I will have to see if I can get out, Do you you believe that the billies have definitely gone

JohnF's picture

Posts: 2839

Date Joined: 07/07/10

Only stripes for us Out there

Tue, 2012-04-10 22:34

Only stripes for us Out there yesterday. 24 degrees.


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

Dirt's picture

Posts: 463

Date Joined: 04/03/10

Good to see some action still

Tue, 2012-04-10 22:37

 What size were the stripes John 

Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Nice fish, how wide? We got

Wed, 2012-04-11 07:06

Nice fish, how wide?

We got out to about 500m, but never really saw any bird action much, never more than a few circling.


Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

UV oscar

Wed, 2012-04-11 07:16

Finally something on a UV Oscar, we've run it for bills for the last 3 months and can't get a fish up on it, will take the lumos, take the pinks, take the big brekky - but won't go near the UV!  Hopefully that will change.


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Dud for me too Adam.

Wed, 2012-04-11 07:37

Dud for me too Adam. Everything else in the spread gets nailed but that. Looks great in the water though.
Starting to become a bit of a mythical beast like the dojo peche.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

JohnF's picture

Posts: 2839

Date Joined: 07/07/10

Dirt, I meant Stripey's, not

Wed, 2012-04-11 07:28

Dirt, I meant Stripey's, not big, only a few kg, and one Mac tuna.


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18090

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 fantastic fish for metro

Wed, 2012-04-11 07:29

 fantastic fish for metro waters. would have put some stretch in the arms. well done


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together