Squid today

Squid today

Took my eldest boy out today after night shift . Bit murky but we done well . Boy using different jig to me . I stuck to my duos . Love squiding

Da pirate's picture

Posts: 1577

Date Joined: 03/05/15

Nice ..

Sun, 2023-02-12 20:28

Nice bag LJ .. hopefully have boat

sorted soon and I'll be having a

crack myself. Could be a early season

start on em with bags like that .
cheers pirate  

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18090

Date Joined: 11/03/08

Some nice size tunes there.

Sun, 2023-02-12 20:44

Some nice size tubes there. Well done


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

Date Joined: 04/12/11

Pirate there big

Mon, 2023-02-13 21:24

Very early . All grouping atm in areas . Going to be some big ones this year

Da pirate's picture

Posts: 1577

Date Joined: 03/05/15

Now ya talking.

Tue, 2023-02-14 20:47

Just what I wanna here LJ .

can't wait I'll post up if I

get a half decent bag .
cheers pirate  

Willy's picture

Posts: 219

Date Joined: 10/04/08


Mon, 2023-02-13 21:50


I spent 4 hours in Cockburn sound today and barely managed 7, between two of us

Well Done

