


Fisheagle Ed

Auslobster's picture

Posts: 1901

Date Joined: 03/05/08

Great catch, mate!

Thu, 2016-04-07 20:50

 And that would have to be serious consideration for POTM...the  clouds really set it off!

Jason P's picture

Posts: 521

Date Joined: 16/02/13

 Did it have X-Rap lure in

Thu, 2016-04-07 22:29

 Did it have X-Rap lure in its mouth cause it looks just like the one that smoked me 2 weeks ago.

Nice catch!



Posts: 93

Date Joined: 01/03/14


Thu, 2016-04-07 23:04

Did you get the capture on video? Please share if you did.

axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

Date Joined: 26/11/13

 out from rocko? 

Fri, 2016-04-08 02:03

 out from rocko?


Colt_Striker's picture

Posts: 624

Date Joined: 26/07/09

Top knigy & pic man

Fri, 2016-04-08 06:38

Top knigy & pic man

Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

 Quality fish and even better

Fri, 2016-04-08 07:35

 Quality fish and even better pic 

azza1's picture

Posts: 199

Date Joined: 30/04/11

 Great capture and pic.

Fri, 2016-04-08 09:37

 Great capture and pic.

psion's picture

Posts: 424

Date Joined: 15/05/12

Nicely done

Fri, 2016-04-08 10:51

Nicely done

Ben Derecki's picture

Posts: 1926

Date Joined: 10/10/07

Damn that is a great kf.

Fri, 2016-04-08 12:20

Damn that is a great kf.  Nice work!

mallesh's picture

Posts: 254

Date Joined: 18/11/10

Great fish mate.

Fri, 2016-04-08 13:24

I was done by a Kingie not long ago behind FFB.

Took my drift bait, had it connected for few minutes swam straight to the boat, wrapped the line around my burley bag and took the whole lot with it.

Was shocked and embarrassed with the pure power of the beast.


Keep Fishing. Stay Relaxed.

mallesh's picture

Posts: 254

Date Joined: 18/11/10

Guys, are they good eating?

Fri, 2016-04-08 13:27

Landed a couple of 800-850mm models couple of weeks ago at Leeman.

Let both go as we had enough fish for the esky.


Keep Fishing. Stay Relaxed.

Krusty's picture

Posts: 714

Date Joined: 27/11/15

 What a beauty.....nice fish

Fri, 2016-04-08 18:35

 What a beauty.....nice fish indeed, thanks 



My fishing spots are so secret........... even the fish don't know where they are !!

scano's picture

Posts: 1247

Date Joined: 31/05/07

Ok eating

Sat, 2016-04-09 07:02

 Can be very hit and miss

they are prone to a lot of worms which are hard to identify until cooking. The flesh can go really soggy if they have a particular parasite.






Scotte's picture

Posts: 1147

Date Joined: 07/12/06

 Thats a real nice local

Sun, 2016-04-10 13:39

 Thats a real nice local kingy. I bet that pulled hard.

You always have great photos  too