27 cm bream

27 cm bream

Nice bream taken on prawns.




DieHard's picture

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Nice Bream :D

Sat, 2010-05-15 17:40

Nice Bream :D


DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!




Redfin 4 Life's picture

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Haha thanks mate! It put on

Sat, 2010-05-15 17:47

Haha thanks mate! It put on a fair show for its size...




purplemonkeydishwasher's picture

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Nice bream dude. Where

Sat, 2010-05-15 17:59

Nice bream dude. Where abouts is that?

And on a lure or bait?.




The love of a screaming drag is universal to all fisherman.

Bluebonefamily's picture

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Great Bream

Sat, 2010-05-15 18:16

That is a great Bream, Redfin.Smile


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brenz's picture

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great fish mate

Sat, 2010-05-15 18:20

great fish mate

Redfin 4 Life's picture

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was caught somwhere in the

Sat, 2010-05-15 18:20

was caught somwhere in the Capel River on river prawns... it says how it was caught above the picture haha.




purplemonkeydishwasher's picture

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Sat, 2010-05-15 18:42

My bad, didn't see thatTongue out 

Capel river is mad on plastics, you should give it a go.


The love of a screaming drag is universal to all fisherman.

Redfin 4 Life's picture

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Really? You know i was so

Sat, 2010-05-15 18:56


You know i was so close to swaping today i was gonna try some of my berkley gulps but i decided that i hadnt had any luck on bream with placcys before so i kept using bait.

What plastics do you find the best i use them quite often but hardly evr get any fish but ive never tried them in the capel.




brenz's picture

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redfin if you were going to

Sat, 2010-05-15 19:07

redfin if you were going to use plastics y would you put on gulp? hahahaha :)

Redfin 4 Life's picture

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Wats wrong with gulps? haha

Sat, 2010-05-15 19:17

Wats wrong with gulps?





scottscurious's picture

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nice bream! that pull hard

Sun, 2010-05-16 03:58

nice bream! that pull hard at that size!!!

Redfin 4 Life's picture

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Yea it did, i thought i was

Sun, 2010-05-16 08:59

Yea it did, i thought i was on to something a bit bigger than 27cm when i first hooked him.




purplemonkeydishwasher's picture

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They do work

Sun, 2010-05-16 11:51

Plastics (especially gulps) work most, if not all of the time. You've just got to be a bit more patient than 1 cast with them. May take up to 100 casts or more to get a hit, but once you land a bream on artificials, its so much more rewarding than bait.

What size jigheads have you got for your plastics? For bream you need 1/16 or lighter. I usually use 1/20 and they do the job.

 Suggestions for plastics: Gulp 3 inch minnows, gulp 2 inch shrimp in new penny, 80mm squidgy wrigglers, 2 inch bulky hawgs by powerbait.


The love of a screaming drag is universal to all fisherman.

brenz's picture

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the problem with gulp is

Sun, 2010-05-16 16:42

the problem with gulp is they are a bait!! you can deadstick a gulp not even move it and it will get hit they are not a plastic. i recon gulp is cheating lol

SandGroper84's picture

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nice bream matey, good to

Sun, 2010-05-16 17:13

nice bream matey, good to hear your catching decent fish, catch and release?? or was he good tucker?


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Naa mate i thought about it

Sun, 2010-05-16 17:28

Naa mate i thought about it but i decided on running to get the camera and taking a photo before i released it. It always feels good to have the enjoyment of catching a fish (especially a size one) and knowing that it has lived to tell the tale...




SandGroper84's picture

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photo last a lot longer, and

Sun, 2010-05-16 17:35

photo last a lot longer, and the feeling you get when your fish swims off strongly is unbeatable, have to start giving lures for bream a crack matey, im fully converted now, dont come home smelling like a bait bucket, and IMO a lot more exciting when you see a tap tap in your braid and you set the hooks and watch line disapear off your reel at a rate of knots. doesnt always stick but when it does and you've got 30-40cms of bream bouncing around on the shore line, cant beat it! IMO


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I love the way the bream

Sun, 2010-05-16 17:43

I love the way the bream release they go so fast when you release them.




SandGroper84's picture

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almost gives ya a bit of a

Sun, 2010-05-16 18:46

almost gives ya a bit of a scare when they finally do take off outta your hand.


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Yea especially if theyve

Sun, 2010-05-16 18:56

Yea especially if theyve been out for a while due to having trouble removing the hook or something and then they make take 2-3 minutes to get used to the water then when they're ready they go like a rocket!




SandGroper84's picture

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i try not to have em' out

Sun, 2010-05-16 19:00

i try not to have em' out for very long, you should invest in a catch and release bag redfin 4 life, much safer for the fish's recovery, and if you have trouble removing the hook cut it off champ, in my opinion safer to let the hook rust out than to risk injury or even worse, death!


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Yea i have thought about

Sun, 2010-05-16 20:32

Yea i have thought about that mate they dont seem to be afected by the way they shoot off back into the water but you never know.




Faulkner Family's picture

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nice little blacky. that

Sun, 2010-05-16 22:34

nice little blacky. that area looks like it would produce some fish on a regular basis


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purplemonkeydishwasher's picture

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Totally disagree brenz, as a

Sun, 2010-05-16 23:24

Totally disagree brenz, as a test I sat my gulp on the bottom for 20 minutes in a bream infested area, and not even a tap, start making it twitch and pause, and hit after hit.

Sandgroper, Your right I'm a convert to lures now (mostly plastics) and its the best feeling because it takes some degree of skill to entice a hit.


The love of a screaming drag is universal to all fisherman.

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i agree with brenz a little,

Mon, 2010-05-17 12:15

i agree with brenz a little, but also with you purple monkey, it comes down to the fish at the end of the day, if they want to eat something they will, my first ever trip out to the monte's we ran out of lures so made them out of coke cans, still caught plenty of fish with the trusty old coke can.


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brenz's picture

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we put gulp in an aquarium

Mon, 2010-05-17 12:30

we put gulp in an aquarium and the fish smashed it as a bait and if you cant get hits deadsticking the worms there is something wrong!!! hense y guys are putting them on paternoster rigs for whiting not much action to be put throug a paternoster rig is there mate? lol

purplemonkeydishwasher's picture

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Im not saying that gulp isnt

Mon, 2010-05-17 13:16

Im not saying that gulp isnt like bait, cuz it sure smells like it is, but thats the only glow in the dark plastic i can find at BCF bunbury in 3inch, seeing as you can't fish estuarys in the day on plastics, I only fish at night so need glow in the dark ones.

Also, gulp can't be cheating, its allowed in the Australian Bream TournamentsTongue out

And brenz, mabye I'd fish hardbodys if I had the moneyMoney mouth for the carmen red khamshin in your avatar, They be sexy lures!!!!


The love of a screaming drag is universal to all fisherman.

brenz's picture

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mate dont come at me like im

Mon, 2010-05-17 15:06

mate dont come at me like im saying you need to spend money to fish for bream .
atomic hardz are the same price as a pack of gulp ang rmg is cheaper than a pack o gulp . i fish plastics all the time snapbacks, powerbaits, squidgies,maria etc . maybe if ya fishing nights try baby vibs at $12 ea not to pricey. also burkley power baits make glow in the dark models. yes you are right though about the tournaments allowing gulp and the win alot of tournaments too there is no denying that but every angler in the tournaments call it "legal bait" lol. have a think about it mate then tell me whether it is a plastic hahaha

SandGroper84's picture

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ease up fellas, each to

Mon, 2010-05-17 18:49

ease up fellas, each to thier own remember, i had that drilled into me


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Redfin 4 Life's picture

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Haha by the sound of it

Mon, 2010-05-17 19:51

Haha by the sound of it these GULPS are good and next time im definately not going to hesitate to change from a bait to a gulp if they really do work.

And i do agree with what you guys said earlier...it feels alot better to put in the extra effort to hook a fish on a lure than it does to catch one on bait.




SandGroper84's picture

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blowies love em' so hope

Mon, 2010-05-17 20:24

blowies love em' so hope theres no blowies around for you, squidgies arnt bad either redfin, bloodworm colour is my flavour of choice.


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Redfin 4 Life's picture

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Thanks mate will have a look

Tue, 2010-05-18 16:40

Thanks mate will have a look next time i go into bcf.




SandGroper84's picture

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no worries glad to be of

Tue, 2010-05-18 22:18

no worries glad to be of some help


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