Want to learn to your own assist cords?
Hi guys. As a few of you already know, I have been doing up a few videos to help you guys learn a bit more about jigging. I have created a youtube channel, JiggingTips (www.youtube.com/JiggingTips) where you can access all the videos i've uploaded. I hope to add a few more videos covering a lot of different aspects to jigging and soft plastic fishing.
For now, I have some videos of how to tie assist cord, and a very quick rough video on fishing tips. If you subscribe to my channel, you'll get notified whenever I upload a new video. Coming soon will be another method for creating doubled cord assists (for deep drop jigging), a super clear video of all the knots you can use while jigging) and a few methods you can use to finish off your hooks). So dont forget to subscribe!
I will also be adding links to useful fishing videos I find on youtube (jigging, underwater strike cams, how to read your sounder, etc) so you can access these from my channel too (they'll be under favourites). If you find any good helpful videos, be sure to send the link to me, so I can put it on the channel and everyone can have easy access to it. I will also be creating a playlist for local WA jigging, so if you have any videos jigging out of WA, make sure to send them to me and i'll link them up too!
Remember, all my videos are available in HD, so it's best to open these links in youtube and click the little cog (and make the window size bigger).
Double assist cord using the latch needle method. This is what I use for demersal jigging.
Double assist cord using knots. No tools or special hooks required.
A simple single leg assist cord. This is what I use for sambos.
A pirates style assist. You can use this method for tying up replacement pirates skirts (inchiku jigs) or use it for demersal jigs if you want to use a squid skirt.
Also, a quick and rough video on a few basic techniques for jigging. I'll get a better video of this up when I get a chance (hopefully including some underwater jig footage at the same time you can see the rod working the jig!)
Don't forget to like the videos or subscribe. Feel free to post comments if anything's not clear, or there are any aspects to jigging you want to know about (you can PM me on here, on youtube, or leave a comment on youtube)
Posts: 4292
Date Joined: 04/04/08
Hmmm, ok, for some reason
Hmmm, ok, for some reason this post comes up blank when there's definitely text in it when I edit it??
New thread is here: http://fishwrecked.com/forum/want-learn-how-tie-assist-cords-jigging
(If an admin could delete this one, it would be good)