Tamala Sunset timelapse
Submitted by ranmar850 on Sun, 2017-04-16 19:24
Taken last Sunday night at Tamala, while I had my feet up with a beer. The good thing about timelapses, you just set them up and watch it all unfold, or not.
Posts: 3915
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Nice. Which camp?
Nice. Which camp?
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
Tea Tree, west.
16:9 rendering cut off the bottom, unfortunately, or you could see the camps and boats at anchor.
Posts: 31
Date Joined: 19/01/13
be up there
at Tamala in two weeks cant wait yeeehaaa
Posts: 3915
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Nice. We're the fish playing
Nice. We're the fish playing ball? I have a work colleague at Tent Landing and we were talking about another trip up just yesterday.
Tom M
Posts: 661
Date Joined: 22/09/15
So how many beers did it
So how many beers did it take to make.........nice clip.
Tom M
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
Only really had two days
Got up Friday night, strong S, also predicted fresh SSE next day, which also should mean no water to launch with. But the wind was actually light ESE, stayed off until well after lunch. Had just enough water to launch at 11, and went north for a play around some islands we had never really tried. Anchored up at a fishy looking spot in the shallows, and proceeded to catch fish. Blacks at first, lots of little ones around 350-400, then a couple of bigger ones which were kept for dinner. Not many pinkies were in evidence at first, until I got one went about 580 or so, which was nice, then my wife got one of 550, and there were quite a few 400-480. We were having fun on the light gear, one fish after another, southerly came in strong, but didn't really bother us as we were in shallow, out of the tide, and there really wasn't much sea. Then a much bigger fish came along, got a look at him as he went broadside past the boat, big pinkie, then the 20lb leader parted. Wasn't expecting a fish of that size in 2 m of water in the middle of the afternoon, certainly would've been a Shark bay PB for me.
Sunday was perfect, but we didn't really catch much, mainly due to trying a lot of stuff we hadn't done before, like anchoring the deeper channels. Spent a fair bit of time just touristing around the islands, went glass calm, was like being in a aquarium. Monday morning was perfect again, v lt E, clear water, went for a paddle in the Hobie, which had only been used as a tender to that time on this trip. Note to self--if you are throwing small SP's at baldies in shallow water, do not use bream gauge hooks, they straighten every time
. packed up after lunch, had tea at the Billabong. I reckon the bitumen has been extended since our last visit, which waas end of last April--the seal off the Denham end now goes for 12.7Ks, and the two sealed sandhill sections west of Tamala are now joined in the middle, and bits added each end. The road overall was in pretty good nick, had no trouble towing at 70 up the hills and 80 down them.
I'm happy to catch them this size on light whippy spin rods and 20lb line in shallow water.
And yes, I
do have big hands
Posts: 619
Date Joined: 18/04/08
Do you disengage your lens to stop flicker/ I swear by this method
Seems to work a treat
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
I've tried a couple of different methods
Started out on Auto, actually worked better than I thought it would. Now have settled on AV, for sunrise/sunset ,set the aperture and let shutter speed vary. Flicker is never an issue during daylight sequences, for those, I'll just use manual exposure. Now I have the software, I'm using Deflicker on everything, probably don't need to.