skinning squid

i'm sure there is an easy way , but i'm making really hard work of it

whats the trick?? 


If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am. 

Goodz's picture

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I usually just make a little

Sun, 2010-02-14 21:07

I usually just make a little cut down the side of the tube and wing/fin bits and get my finger under and just peel it all back?




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2 ways. 1. use a scaler bag

Sun, 2010-02-14 21:10

2 ways.

1. use a scaler bag which is two mesh bags that r pulled behind the boat on the way in to the marina. all u do is take the heads of and put them in the bag.

2. another way ive found is to rub sand on ur hands and pull it off then it alot easyer.

its always gonna b messy but these two will cut down the mess.

hope this helps.

cheers danno

uncle's picture

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Thu, 2010-12-30 16:11

now that is a good idea, have used it for whiting


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

hlokk's picture

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I slide my finger

Sun, 2010-02-14 21:11

I slide my finger undernearth the wing (usually from the side at the near the bottom of the wing). Just pierce the skin with your finger and work under it, then slide all the way to the top, then do the same for the other wind and you can rip all the skin off. Really easy, and gets pretty much all of it in one piece (can break half to get a 'sheet'). Sometimes just a little near the head, but i usually cut that off when making squid rings.

Wings are a little harder, i scrape using my fingers and palm, then use a knife to scrape off.

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i clean mine pretty much the

Sun, 2010-02-14 23:03

i clean mine pretty much the same as hlokk. Most of the time skin comes in one piece. The tube is just made of layers. As long as u can scratch into a layer under the skin,it just peels off

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Sun, 2010-02-14 21:12

Having the squid really cold makes it easier to skin but what you said grayzee is right!

I buy cheap scouring pads that i cut up smaller and that makes life reel easy with the left over fiddley stuff!

grayzeee's picture

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cheers lads will give them a

Sun, 2010-02-14 21:17

cheers lads

will give them a go next time


If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am. 

hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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I've always had the squid

Sun, 2010-02-14 21:19

I've always had the squid ice slurried, so my method is only based doing it that way (no idea how it goes unslurried). Takes less than 10 seconds. I gotta find a better method for getting the guts out though. One tip I have to try is to get a round ended skewer and use it to pull the squid inside out. Got the skewer now, just need the squid.

flangies's picture

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For gutting them it takes

Sun, 2010-02-14 21:45

For gutting them it takes about 5 seconds, Just slip your thumb and two fingers as far as you can down the tube, Grip real hard and pull as much as you can out, emphasis on keeping the head in tact. If done correctly you get 70% of the guts out and not a single drop of ink to be seen , and in one smooth motion

hlokk's picture

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Yeah, but then its that last

Sun, 2010-02-14 21:58

Yeah, but then its that last 30% that is annoying, particularily when the tube is longer than you can reach with your fingers (which are freezing off). Using that skewer will make it a lot easier I think (just flip inside out and its super quick).

Oracle's picture

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we found the colder the

Thu, 2010-12-30 21:47

we found the colder the slurrie, the easier it is. If the eskie isn't cold enough, stick them in the freezer just before you clean them. Dont freeze them, just to make them cold.

Posts: 1676

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one way ive seen is to push

Sun, 2010-02-14 21:24

one way ive seen is to push ur tumb in the tip of the tube and push down and keep going til in side out and clean it then..

or do wat i think ryan dose and cut the tubes down the side so they r slabs and clean them that way ive tryed it and its easyer.

cheers danno

Posts: 809

Date Joined: 01/05/09

rub it on uncut gras.. i

Sun, 2010-02-14 22:29

rub it on uncut gras.. i find it gets rid of almost all of it

Lucky Tim's picture

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if you have the time, head

Mon, 2010-02-15 08:30

if you have the time, head and gut them then freeze the tube/wing part. When you want to eat them, defrost and the skin pulls off very easily with none left.
Otherwise I head and gut, pull the wings off and run for a few minutes in a scaling bag, then I turn the tubes inside out and put through the scaling bag again. The end result is nice clean, white squid tubes.

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A chef once showed me that

Mon, 2010-02-15 20:06

A chef once showed me that there is two layers of skin to a Squid.  The outer which is quite course then a more glad wrap type skin to the tube which can be rubbed off.

It may explain though why the scaler bag boys have a fair bit of success.

Removing the lower skin lowers the rubber factor.


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Soak ya squid rings in the

Wed, 2010-12-29 10:30

Soak ya squid rings in the pulp of a kiwi fruit for an hour before cooking.
This will ensure the squid stays tender - no matter how pissed you are while cooking.

troy fuller's picture

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Best 2 ways i have seen is,

Wed, 2010-12-29 12:22

Best 2 ways i have seen is, using a net tied up behind your boat while crusing back into the boat ramp cleans it up Or take the wings off and rub it on wet sand, works very very well.

Posts: 9358

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Sand is bad, use salt, it

Wed, 2010-12-29 15:41

Sand is bad, use salt, it doesn't stay gritty.


hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

Date Joined: 04/04/08

Soaking in milk overnight is

Wed, 2010-12-29 15:44

Soaking in milk overnight is also supposed to soften them up (e.g. if it is a couple of days old).

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

i gut them first (same method

Thu, 2010-12-30 16:17

i gut them first (same method as flangies), then stick my finger into the wing base, near the head. then pull up, which peels the skin off. do that for the entire squid. i usuallly freeze my wings/head (minus tentacles, yumm) and keep them for bait. works a treat for almost anything!


bludgin' since 94'