S&F party doing some good for the fishing public
Hi Guys and gals, here is a litte thing that the NSW branch have done for the fishers in NSW, as soon as our member (and hopefully future member'S) get sorted they also can put a fishermans point across in the parliament here in WA.
Unacceptable Fisheries proposals based on opinion, not science
Posted on 20 May 2013 by Peter Johnson
Proposals to impose limits on fishing because of community opinion rather than scientific evidence must be rejected, says the Chairman of the Fishing Branch of the Shooters and Fishers Party, Mr Peter Johnson.
Most proposals – such as reducing bag limits of trevally, luderick and bream from 20 to 10 – appear to have no valid reason beyond community feeling that current bags are excessive.
“These three species in particular are some of the most fecund fish in our local waters, and are very important to recreational anglers,” Mr Johnson said.
“No scientific data was put forward in this discussion paper to recommend a reduction in the limits for these species, and NSW Fisheries states that only 1% of recreational anglers achieve the bag limit of 20 in the first instance.
“It is ludicrous to consider regulation based merely on social opinions.
Whilst Mr Johnson was scathing of most aspects of the Discussion Paper, he was supportive of the recommendations to allow bow hunting for carp; fin clipping to identify amateur-caught fish, should they be found in a commercial marketplace; and new identification of crab and lobster traps to protect the identity of anglers.
He suggested Fisheries should consider a much simpler limit on crab traps that allowed anglers to be properly equipped to catch the crabs of their choice, still within existing bag limits that have no scientific basis for reductions.
“It is well and truly past time that recreational anglers were represented properly by a Statutory body, something akin to the NSW Game Council,” Mr Johnson said.
“Recreational anglers need their own body to achieve practical, workable outcomes for the fisheries resource. We’re paying a fee to access it, so let us manage it.
“We need stocks for the future, based on proper science, not on ideological social commentary from Green groups.”
OFW member 088
Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.
Posts: 106
Date Joined: 15/01/12
Will definitely be supporting
Will definitely be supporting these guys. Maybe sometimes, in some circumstances social opinions are sufficient...
- Brett
chris raff
Posts: 3257
Date Joined: 09/02/10
** Edited ** might have been
** Edited ** might have been a idea to explain the relevance of the elephant pics ( didn't realise it was a leader of our S & F party ) agree maybe not a great look .. still well done to S & F for getting some runs on the board for us fishos here .. it's great to have some representation .
“Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”
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Poor form
Don't know what your trying to achieve there drifta with the elephant pics. For the record I vote for shooters and fishers purely for fishing reasons I don't own or shoot guns but I am not against this but can't see the purpose of those pics on a fishing forum
Posts: 501
Date Joined: 09/07/10
We have loads of wild
We have loads of wild elephants in this country tho dont we.................
Ryan C
Posts: 1575
Date Joined: 08/07/10
elephant pics
i agree , not really into "shooting" elephants when most nat geo shows ive seen on Foxtel clearly show that populations are a tiny percentage of what they used to be.
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Same people that make a fuss
Same people that make a fuss about the elephant pic are the ones that would ban all fishing.
Hang together or you will all be hung separately.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 3246
Date Joined: 15/08/09
You cant be serious Dodgy
about the "same people" - surely?
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
I see where you are coming
I see where you are coming from with that question and will explain a little better.
Those that make a big fuss about pics like this and lobby against hunting as a whole are the same crowd that will actively put the same banner over fishermen and hunters as a whole group.
They will not be happy until it is all banned and they are well organised and well funded.
While I do not personally feel the need to shoot an elephant I can appreciate that it is more valuable to the villagers in a commercial hunting situation than if poachers came in and shot it.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 15043
Date Joined: 30/11/09
He could have shot a cow
He could have shot a cow instead.
Love the West!
Posts: 33
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Can't support a guy who
Can't support a guy who basically wants American style gun ownership Laws in Australia, encourages Americans to fight proposed gun reforms in a Country that drastically needs it (he basically tells them not to let their great country end up with gun laws like ours... WTF!) and also as those photos' show, thinks he's cool by going to Africa to shoot bull elephants in the head... no matter how much good anyone thinks they are doing for fishing Australia.
I think we can manage fine without Rednecks like that representing us...
Probably have to dodge a few rocks thrown my way but it has to be said
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
And this is why fishos are
And this is why fishos are massively underrepresented. Infighting and mismanagement means that it is highly unlikely that we will ever be heard effectively.
Right now the S & F party is the only one giving any voice to fishos.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Rob H
Posts: 5819
Date Joined: 18/01/12
who are you referring to
who are you referring to Leethal?
Dodgy-100% correct, seen it all before Rec vs Commercial etc
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Ryan C
Posts: 1575
Date Joined: 08/07/10
i'm not at all against guns or shooting (feral animals) but i think there is a big differrence here and the pictures of the "butchering" of the carcass were not necessary . cheers
Posts: 127
Date Joined: 17/01/12
The elephant in the room..
The guy who shot the elephant is S&F MLC Robert Borsak, which is the connection that is being made. http://www.shootersandfishers.org.au/representatives
I'm slowly coming around to the view that if we don't want to be pushed aside by the green groups, we need to consider ethics as well as science when involved in creating policy. We need to be conscious that we are arguing for our right to take a life so by default it is an ethical argument.
I'm all for having S&F in parliament though, we need a voice even if we don't always agree with it.
Posts: 633
Date Joined: 19/10/11
i love my shooting, (killed a
i love my shooting, (killed a few foxes sunday night ) and i also love my fishing, if its feral kill it simple, the pics above are full on but, buy the looks of the pic they are going chop it up and hand the meat out to people which is fair enough i say!!! shooter and fisher party all the way, they will get my vote no worris at all
Posts: 4657
Date Joined: 24/05/11
Got my popcorn..... Anyone
Got my popcorn.....
Anyone proud enough to pose in a pic after shootin such a beast should be shot himself, may as well be a harpooned whale shark
I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.
Posts: 633
Date Joined: 19/10/11
whats the differents between
whats the differents between that pic and a person holding a 20+kg dhuie??
both great efforts and both get eaten life goes on.
each to their own i guess
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(No subject)
I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.
Posts: 15043
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Thanks tim-o. I'm holding
Thanks tim-o. I'm holding back.
Love the West!
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Reverse cycle a/c supply and install - Ducted and wall splits
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
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Me too!
Words fail me.
Posts: 633
Date Joined: 19/10/11
no point talking to a fool,
no point talking to a fool,
carnt even have a conversation these days with out people being dick heads.
as i said each to there own, people do things different to other people, some people like hunting, some people like fishing, at the end of the day if it all gets cut up and eaten whats the problem? its a way of life get over it
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through to the keeper
no bites!!
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
I understand your point
I understand your point Drifta (though I don't agree with it) but probably didn't do the party a favour with those pics - bet some fishos seeing that will think harder now before giving them a vote.
Large difference between an Elephant and a Duhie in my mind but everyone's entitled to their opinion.
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
Adam Gallash
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Date Joined: 29/11/05
oh dear
Just when I think I've seen it all, it goes to the next level.
Keep it civil or it gooooooes. On notice.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
chris raff
Posts: 3257
Date Joined: 09/02/10
Is the 1st elephant the same
Is the 1st elephant the same as the 2nd and 3rd pic ? .. or were they just thrown in for the shock and horror effect .. I thought elephant trophy hunters became extinct many moons ago I didn't realise it was still sadly going on .. I wonder how much money he parted with to get his jollies .
“Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
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affraid not
I thought elephant trophy hunters became extinct many moons ago I didn't realise it was still sadly going on ..
still a few cavemen around.
Posts: 106
Date Joined: 15/01/12
I posted those photos so that
I posted those photos so that anyone who had not seen them could, before seeing those photo's I considered supporting the S&F and now when ever they're mentioned this is the first thing that comes to mind
Take it which ever way you like but for those who hadn't seen them and were considering voting their way, they can now be a little more informed on who they're actually voting for
Probably could have approached this in a better way than just dumping those photos but it's to late now
For the record I have no issue with hunting especially in Australia there's plenty of feral animals here that need culling
Not sure if it's the same elephant in all the photos but two were shot during the trip
- Brett
Rob H
Posts: 5819
Date Joined: 18/01/12
ok-let me put another side to
ok-let me put another side to this-first saying while Im a shooter, I have no interest in shooting anything other than ferals and targets
Its not really as simple as elephants are endangered dont kill them.
I believe in some areas they are not endangered, and in those areas a very limited number are allowed to be killed by trophy hunters, and that one kill brings a large amount of money toward the local indigenous peoples who have no other source of hard currency.
In that case, I put it that us saying its not right in their backyard is similar to PEW saying its not right for us to kill (or catch) fish for pleasure in our backyard.
And while many aspire toward donating and fighting eco causes-very few ACTUALLY get around to doing it with their wallet rather than keyboard-including me.
I dont like the idea-but its not black and white (well maybe it is in another way)
The issue really is the same as whaling-are you against it as its cruel or because they are endangered?
Because not all whales are endangered, and a quick clean kill isnt cruel compared to being torn apart alive at the joints by a pack of lions, hyenas or other predators which is the fate of practically every wild animal.
Just putting it out there, I dont like it either but not everyone lives in the cilty with prepackaged protein and the Salvos on every other corner.
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Posts: 4586
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The first thing those PEW
The first thing those PEW types get excited about is large sharks like the one in your profile....
You appreciate that death threats have been directed at people showing pics such as yours Drifta?
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 106
Date Joined: 15/01/12
This probably annoys me more
This probably annoys me more since this was my backyard for a few years long ago, while there is permit shooting and culling this is taking place in a corrupt 3rd world shit hole. If there's money involved the local powers will say what ever they need to allow this to 'legally' happen science backed or not, so again it comes back to ethics..
The killing of these elephants by white westerners does indeed provide food and income for the locals, however they're lacking food and income because they evicted the white foreigners in the first place?
dodgy I've never heard of anyone receiving threats over the catching of sharks, but I dont know many people who fish for them. I have heard that a group of people received threats over their handling of sharks, gaffing, lifting by the tail and stab and release..
I'm sure Vic Hislop has received more than his fair share of threats
- Brett
Posts: 486
Date Joined: 07/01/12
This was the last thing I
This was the last thing I expected to see when logging on to a fishing forum. All of you guys are right in your own opinion, you can argue to the cows come home but nothing is gonna change.
but seriously drifta why the f@#k would you put a photo of a elephant getting skinned on a public fishing forum? Your a tool mate! There's a time and a place
Karratha. WA
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
Whilst I was a little shocked
Whilst I was a little shocked by the photos Drifta I thank you for clearing up why you posted them and your understanding that maybe it could have been done better. The fact you were able to acknowledge that suggests to me that your probably not a "tool" but at the same time it would be obvoius why this is an emotive subject.
Rob - I see your point but PEW don't listen to reason and have so many conflicts of interest in the area of enviormental protection that they should take a good look in the mirror first.
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
Posts: 1260
Date Joined: 06/06/06
so every polly is like him ??
Come on mate, I put up a piece o how the shooters and fishers party is HELPING fishers and you bring that up, the shooter is from NSW and was not the person who was referred to in the piece, the shooter and fishers party member here in WA is Rick Mazza, do a google search and see if you can find him skinning a Rhino or something, .......you wont because only a few people shoot old bulls etc that are no longer in a herd etc and pay $30K plus to do it, Rick will be serving in WA parliament for all fishers and shooters, he has some good men advising him regarding fishing and shooting as well as the off roaders, horse riders, motorcyclists and every one else out looking for a good time in our big state.
Next time I have some good news on this I will shut up and keep it to myself, much better than getting this shit thrown at me, those that want to know more can head on over to the facebook page or the website made for WESTERN AUSTRALIAN members of the S&F party and you can even leave feed back on the facebook page for Rick himself to see , how many other politicians are willing to do that, not many they will have a low level staffer send you a bleached blonde responce to anything you ask.
so seeing as Juliar Gillard is a dyke all Labor party menbers are gay and Tony Abbot is a biggot so all liberals are, and all S&F members are Elephant killers and all fishermen take their bag limit every time they go fishing,,,,, you dissapoint me, They can not direct Rick anymore than Rick can direct them. Everyone here screams out for representation and when it comes you scream out that they are not exactly what you want,
the answer is to stand up yourself.
Contact Rick and see if you can help.
OFW member 088
Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.
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