Newbe fisherman needs HUGE help
hi guys I was wondering if anyone has some advice. I have been here in Perth now for 8 months an not caught ONE SINGLE FISH lol.... I have spent over $1200 on gear an had to replace msot of it. As I bought crap first time. Now I have bought a bunch of metal lures from BCF in Kelmscott other day. But I remembered, I have no idea how to attach em. I have this bright yellow braid on my new reel. an using 2-3-4 inch metal lures. I have no idea how to attach em. or what I should be using.
I fish generally South mole, palm beach jetty in rocky an am looking to try other places like under Canning bridge an The Narrows etc. plus maybe a few other random spots.
BCF told me I can use metal lures exclusivly to defeat the blowies. Witch is sd as I spent ALOT of money on really high end soft plastics thinkign thats whta I needed. ($25 each). I dont want to lose em all to the blowies if I can help it.
So now you see my prioblem. clueless newbe rec fisherman, huge sum of moeny spent, never caught a fish an in need of help lol
(Really sad thing is, I was a Deep Sea Commusial Trawlerman for 20 years about 10 years back) :)
ok so this is the two rods an reels i bought at BCF
Five bream an counting
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One jetty.
Posts: 265
Date Joined: 01/02/11
Mate, sounds like your
Mate, sounds like your having a rough time,
I would recommend that you choose a target species and concentrate on that particular fish.
at this time of year tailor would be a good target in the evening from the moles or try another target
species such as black bream, again best to fish at night on a rising tide and there are plenty of small
fish upstream from Garret road bridge to keep you interested. For bream just use an unweighted river
prawn casted in towards the snags, you don't need to cast too far out. Good luck.
Posts: 372
Date Joined: 30/06/14
hehe ta ate. yer cant say I
hehe ta ate. yer cant say I am overly happy.. Wife kinda laughs now when I say I am going fishing an jsut cooks something for tea :)
Five bream an counting
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Posts: 324
Date Joined: 05/03/13
If you haven't caught a
If you haven't caught a single fish, I'd recommend starting with the real basics. Palm Beach jetty and the South Mole are good spots for fish like herring, skippy, gardies and whiting. The most efficient way of catching these fish is with a burley cage and a long shank hook, using squid, prawns or ideally wogs (maggots) for bait. On sunset, tailor will come through in schools and this is when you can use your metal lures.
You need to connect a mono or flurocarbon leader to your braid. I recommend doing a youtube search on the fg knot. Watch a few different vids and find the technique that suits you. You can then tie your rigs and lures onto the leader using a uni knot (again see youtube for this).
If you go down to those locations, you'll see what other people are doing. Copy the people that have fish in their bucket.
Posts: 372
Date Joined: 30/06/14
hehe yer ta mate. will do
hehe yer ta mate. will do that. I had no idea rec fishing was so differnt. Ic an catch 10 ton of scale in 2000 feet of water np.. But ask me to catch a mullet on a rod an I suck....
Five bream an counting
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Posts: 372
Date Joined: 30/06/14
hehe yer ta mate. will do
had a thought guys, I bought a berly cage an rope, an some pollard etc to mix up. I put that out. But wont it attract 1000000 blowies?....
Also are prawns you buy at the fishing stores ok, or should I buy fresh ones somewhere?...
I tend to use big hooks etc, an dont really know what sort to use if I am not using a lure. I assume fish at th eplaces I go (other than North Mole) you would want small ones?
Five bream an counting
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Posts: 297
Date Joined: 02/07/11
Two types of prawns
There are two types of prawns available. Stick with coral prawns for fishing moles and river prawns for the swan and canning rivers
Posts: 297
Date Joined: 02/07/11
Hate to say this
You might have to spend money on one more combo. 90% of my time is now spent on the river chasing tailor and flatties and maybe soak baits for bream using a 7ft 2-4 kg rod, 6 lb line and a 2000 daiwa reel. If you are fishing canning bridge area throw out some 5gms slices for tailor. For flatheads use z mans sp, around the 3 inch size with 1/8 ounce jig heads. Can work them pretty quickly back. For hard bodies check out the search site for what lures other fishos are using.
hope that helps
oh yeah, if buying a smaller reel, try to get a high gear ratio reel. Helps when spinning for tailor.
Posts: 831
Date Joined: 31/08/10
Head in and have a chat to a
Head in and have a chat to a more local fishing store (not bcf) in sure they would be more than happy to help you out with targeting fish and advice on terminal gear. Someone like Oceanside would be ideal
Plumber and gas fitter- 0415489103
Posts: 324
Date Joined: 05/03/13
no worries. You're probably
no worries. You're probably going to get a few blowies. I wouldn't let that worry you too much. Generally, they'll hang around the pylons and rockwalls. By casting 30m out, you'll avoid most of them. The burley cage I was referring to is a wire spring thing that you tie into the rig. You load it with a stiff pollard mix with a splash of tuna oil
Posts: 659
Date Joined: 28/05/10
hey tassy
you dont need fancy expensive gear ,the area that you have mentioned that you fish is basically for people that want to wet a line and pass the time away and mostly catch blowies ,need to re evaluate your target fish and areas,id suggest if you have 4x4 fish white hills -tims thickett , january till april. then north of lancelin june to august , otherwise if you have a sedan fish area-/ long point-madora bay -san remo ,the cut etc. long beach rod ganged hooks with mulies around- before sunrise or sunset for tailor /mulloways /sharks etc. north mole can be productive but only for the experienced good luck .
Posts: 372
Date Joined: 30/06/14
Thank you all for everything.
Thank you all for everything. Seems I have a hell of alot to learn :(... Cant really get a new combo past the wife, I do have a 10 foot rod I bought at camping an fishing in kelmscott. But it isnt the best... the reel is bust so I need a new one. I might do so an use that for big fish. like N mole etc. I have been to oceanside, that is in South street isnt it? closer to town than armadale way?. (still learnign where to go, LOVE GPS)...
I might go into South street one an buy a reel then get thme to teach me how to tie em an setup for the basic fish types. REALLY sick of spending crap tons of cash an not catching anything. Told my old skipper other week down in Tasmania an he laughed so hard he dropped phone ....sigh, not my finest moment :p I only have a old 1990 Pulsar for fishign so tims etc is out of reach. Wife wont let me take the 4x4 fishing :p.
So Canning bridge if I can figure out how to get under it. The Narrows?? (will look on google maps. Point Walter?? Ammo getty (coogee jetty)...
umm, theres a few spots I have noticed theres a river looks really good caleld "Riverton bridge" ?? I might have to take a run out there an see if its any good. But I hacve NEVER done river fishing so... lol
Five bream an counting
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Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
put the bait runner on the
put the bait runner on the 10 footer, beach rock combo easy, stradic on the lighter of the two 7 footers river combo easy done. it might be over kill but it will do the job. you dont need any more gear just make the stuff you have work for you. if you manage to get on a boat you have a combo for that aswell.
Posts: 372
Date Joined: 30/06/14
Thank you all for everything.
Thank you all for everything. Seems I have a hell of alot to learn :(... Cant really get a new combo past the wife, I do have a 10 foot rod I bought at camping an fishing in kelmscott. But it isnt the best... the reel is bust so I need a new one. I might do so an use that for big fish. like N mole etc. I have been to oceanside, that is in South street isnt it? closer to town than armadale way?. (still learnign where to go, LOVE GPS)...
I might go into South street one an buy a reel then get thme to teach me how to tie em an setup for the basic fish types. REALLY sick of spending crap tons of cash an not catching anything. Told my old skipper other week down in Tasmania an he laughed so hard he dropped phone ....sigh, not my finest moment :p I only have a old 1990 Pulsar for fishign so tims etc is out of reach. Wife wont let me take the 4x4 fishing :p.
So Canning bridge if I can figure out how to get under it. The Narrows?? (will look on google maps. Point Walter?? Ammo getty (coogee jetty)...
umm, theres a few spots I have noticed theres a river looks really good caleld "Riverton bridge" ?? I might have to take a run out there an see if its any good. But I hacve NEVER done river fishing so... lol
Five bream an counting
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Posts: 20
Date Joined: 27/09/13
Those areas are fine
Hi Tassy, a shame you didn't stop into Complete angler across the road from BCF in Kelmscott. I believe they closing up now and you could have got a few bargains. The guys there help set me and my brother and law up 18 years ago. They also told us how to get the taylor and Mullaway of the local beaches surrounding the areas you mentioned. We have no both moved onto Baldivis and have been going to Rockingham Complete Angler for about 15 years. Yes you may pay a little more on some things but generally the service is better and they are usually very helpful.
The areas you are fishing all hold great fish at certain times of the year. As others have mentioned you really need to target a species and then work your way up from there. Sounds like you are chasing Taylor with the lures you mentioned. So the best way to get them would be using whole mulies and a set of 4/0-5/0 gang hooks. Tie the gang hooks onto some leader, 20lb-30lb approximately a foot to two foot long. Tie this to a swivel and then you braid/main line to the swivel. Some guys will say to use wire but I rarely do, unless I know there are monster size tailor or sharks around. Head down to Long Point and find a spot towards the south of the boat ramp, about an hour before sunset and cast that rig out then retrieve it back in slowly. At the moment they have been smashing baits from 730-930pm. Yes you can try traditional tailor rig with three way swivel and star sinker etc but most of my fish come within a meter or two from my feet.
Happy to meet you down there one night, just pm me.
Posts: 20
Date Joined: 27/09/13
Use the bait runner
Hey Tassy, use the bait runner on the ten foot rod if you want to fish of the beaches like Secret Harbour or Singleton. The Sahara combo will be fine for the rig and location I mentioned earlier. You can also try that rig and combo of the ammo jetty in Coogee. Just remember to not leave anything in your car at that spot, and even better if you can leave it unlocked to prevent them smashing the windows to get in.
Posts: 372
Date Joined: 30/06/14
so that gear I linked, did
so that gear I linked, did BCF stear me wrong, or is it ok ?. Cos at time it was alot of miney an I cant get burned a second time wife will let me sleep outside till NEXT SUMMER lol
Five bream an counting
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Posts: 20
Date Joined: 27/09/13
A little heavy
Hi Tassy,
The Sahara combo should be fine, a little heavy for my liking, I would have probably gone with a 2000/3000 size reel. However, as long as you have no more then 10Lb mainline you should be able to use it in a few applications that requires casting. I think the second combo is a little unusual, probably better suited for use of a boat chasing snapper. Although leaving out a live scalie of the Ammo jetty may see you land something big on that combo.
Posts: 908
Date Joined: 06/05/12
There you go Tassy ! take up
There you go Tassy ! take up ar_elbers offer to show you the ropes, At least then you will know how to catch one species of fish.
Posts: 372
Date Joined: 30/06/14
Heh ta guys I will do all
Heh ta guys I will do all that. Just watching some vids now. Lot to learn. I tend to go fishing befor dawn more than night time so if you guys ever see a short fat guy fishing with a prison hair cut an a little red pulsar it's me lol
Five bream an counting
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Posts: 1901
Date Joined: 03/05/08
Hey mate...
...can get you onto some yellowfin whiting in the Mandurah estuary's a little specialised but the basics like knot tying/casting to structure/thinking like a fish/etc are the, at the moment you'd have an excellent chance to come away with a really good feed!
PM me if you want to know more!
Posts: 372
Date Joined: 30/06/14
BCF gave me those two combos
BCF gave me those two combos cos I said I wanted one for small stuff like whiting an bream, an other for bigger fish lieik tailor an samson fish etc. Sound slike they didnt do me to many favors :(....
its annoyign cos twice now I have spent over $650 a time an I told them expressly what I wanted.. One for small fish spinning etc. And one for bigger fish. baits... I swear every time I go to BCF I get further in the hole.
never again. I think from now on ill go to oceanside.
Five bream an counting
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
For sale
Check out the for sale section on this site, there is always someone selling some good gear at a reasonable price and no doubt they will pass on any tips on how to use it as well
Posts: 372
Date Joined: 30/06/14
Yer man will do, but will
Yer man will do, but will have to wait a while won't get more gear past wife for a while. Lol
Five bream an counting
One tree
One fooone hand
One jetty.