Mako provides some air-time

I did another solo this weekend after the missus and mates dropped me.  Launched at "sparrows" (05:00) and made way to a patch of ground south of Rotto where I had picked up kingies and sambos before.  After getting reefed on medium tackle I had no further action at this spot.  Moved to a new patch and started catching "rats and mice".  At one stage I picked up a small tuna which initially gave a bit of a tug and then came swimming staight to the boat, almost welcoming being taken out of the water.  It did not take long to realise why the tuna was keen to leave his watery home and join me on the boat.  As I landed the fish I looked up and noticed a fin rise out of the water as a mako approached the boat and turn on its side and give me a beady eye, as if to ask what I had done with its lunch.  Mr Sharkie made another two passes, each time giving me a good looking up and down.  It was not a minute after this episode that my scalie attached to a 4/0 Gamakatsu became afternoon tea to a surprised predator as it made off with a rapid speed. As I was fighting this fish something gulped my SP which was dangling over the side.....chaos!  Where was that extra pair of hands when you needed them?

The next moment the water erupted to my left and the mako, which had now taken my scalie after being disappointed with the tuna, made the first of three awe inspiring leaps.  I was like a little boy catching a fish for the first time and could'nt stop "wowing" the moment.  After a fight which lasted a couple of minutes I brought the mako to the side of the boat before cutting it off.  I was lucky that the 4/0 hooked had pinned him in the corner of the mouth as the 40lb trace would not have lasted 2 seconds if it had brushed across the rows of tuna crushers.

With trembling hands my attention went back to the rod with the SP and I reeled in a snapper which was duly released.

Another great day out on our local water which was topped by seeing three pods of whales passing within 300m of the boat, with one of the whales breaching fully out of the water.   


The YouTube clip of the mako fight can be viewed here:


Fisheagle Ed

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

Thank you

Wed, 2016-11-16 22:59

Thanks for sharing a great fishing video, they can really put on a great sky show the mako and they are such a great looking shark as well.
Well done on the release they are just to good to caught only once

Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

 Saw the video a couple days

Wed, 2016-11-16 23:42

 Saw the video a couple days ago, epic footage of an awesome metro catch 

scano's picture

Posts: 1247

Date Joined: 31/05/07

Hey fisheagle

Thu, 2016-11-17 06:58

 What editing software you using for your viseo's?


i have just bought a new GoPro hero 5 black and want to get into filming some fishing myself.

your vids look awesome 






Fisheagle's picture

Posts: 349

Date Joined: 04/02/12

Adobe Premiere ProCC

Thu, 2016-11-17 21:21

 scano I use Adobe Premiere Pro CC. I have the Adobe Creative Cloud subscription that gives one access to many of the top apps. You can use the GoPro editing tool which is free and great and getting better all the time or Movie Maker which is also free and easy to use.


Fisheagle Ed

Daniel Westerduin's picture

Posts: 429

Date Joined: 30/10/06

 Awesome fun those Mako's

Thu, 2016-11-17 07:08

 Awesome fun those Mako's have caught them pretty close to that area before. Now I'm in Albany and they're fairly common down here to. Had a couple of jumpers and then some that don't jump at all. They quite often do a few jumps then turn around and seem to come in easily but they're just checking you out and eyeball to eyeball. Can be a bit unnerving until they take off again. I've kept a few for eating and they taste pretty good. I usually tail rope them 1st and always have a priest  (Bat) on board to pacify them. Great footage I should get a decent GoPro or something as only got my phone and too hard to use on my own.

Guardy's picture

Posts: 381

Date Joined: 09/08/12

Great aerials Eddy

Thu, 2016-11-17 07:32

 I thought you & Gail must have gone back home for a break while the ban is on as I haven't seen you in a while. Take care mate


Fisheagle's picture

Posts: 349

Date Joined: 04/02/12

Hope to catch you

Thu, 2016-11-17 21:22

 Hope to catch you out on the water soon again Frank - take care Sir


Fisheagle Ed

Brock O's picture

Posts: 3262

Date Joined: 11/01/08

  Great footage as uasual,

Thu, 2016-11-17 13:06



Great footage as uasual, very enjoyable to

Chinbald's picture

Posts: 317

Date Joined: 21/02/09

You are obviously

Thu, 2016-11-17 17:52

 A very good fisherman, enjoy your work.

Krusty's picture

Posts: 714

Date Joined: 27/11/15

Those mako's can certainly

Thu, 2016-11-17 18:51

Those mako's can certainly put on a great show.

Looks like an awesome day on the water and thanks for sharing.

Well done 



My fishing spots are so secret........... even the fish don't know where they are !!

grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

Date Joined: 03/03/11

Nice work

Thu, 2016-11-17 20:44

 Nice work Ed, thats one to remember for a while, nice job on the video edit too .

Posts: 23

Date Joined: 14/11/16

 Awsome footage - what

Sun, 2016-11-20 11:44

 Awsome footage - what hardwhare are You using for this - crystal clear mate - BTW nice catch - I would love to get onto something like that - but only problem is it would be bigger than the tinny !!!!!

Fisheagle's picture

Posts: 349

Date Joined: 04/02/12


Sun, 2016-11-20 12:41

 We use the GoPro Hero 5 for our "above water" footage and the Hero 4 for underwater.  Premiere Pro CC for editing.


Fisheagle Ed