Karratha - Dampier

Just got back from a weeks fishing off the coast of Karratha and Dampier.
Day one
Early start to the day due to spring tides boat in the water by 4.30am headed straight up the harbor towards Legendre island. Once the sun came up we fished a few spots not far off the coast but found it hard to get past the small GT's and cod. due to the great weather decision was made to head out wide to a spot we were told was guaranteed to produce. got to the spot and the sounder was loaded with what appeared to be Mackies. Lures were out and no sooner had they hit the water then we were hooked up on double headers. 4 mackies in the boat in a little over an hour. moved to another spot which quickly produced a couple of nice trout and some other fish. headed back in early afternoon to fish a well known spot closer in only to donate both quality fish and gear to the tax man. decided to hit up one more spot and managed to snag a couple of Blue line emperor a nice spango and a small Rankin.
Day 2
Loads of trolling no real action. couldn't get anything else past the small cod
Day 3
Another day out wide. wind was up so we hugged the islands and trolled out for a few hours which didn't produce any fish. once the wind dropped we hit up a few spots. the sounder was loaded but nothing was on the bite. around 3 in the arvo we hit up one final spot. 3 trout in 3 drops for myself on the soft plastics.
Day 4
Another day of trolling. I couldn't catch a break this day had fish following to the boat all day and could not get a hook up. That's fishing.
All in all a great trip spent with great mates.

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Date Joined: 11/03/08

 some nice fish there. pity

Thu, 2018-09-27 18:00

 some nice fish there. pity the whole trip wasnt the same as first day. main thing you had a great time . well done


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together