Greenly Island off Coffin Bay South Australia - SBT Youtube video

Was on the way to work on Tuesday morning when a mate called and asked if I wanted to meet him at the airport later that day to fly to Port Lincoln and head out in his boat from Coffin Bay with good weather a good reports of fish. Few can't make that meeting phone calls later and I was home and packing. Flew to Lincoln grabbed a few things from the supermarket and launched the boat. Headed out and arrived at Greenly Island right on sunset. put some baits out to catch a king but no live baits around apart from one arrow squid. That lasted 10 min and we had a double hook up of kings coming through the anchorage. Both busted us off one running around the anchor line. Caught a gummy which was released. Eventually grabbed some sleep to wake to a drizzly morning. Set off out of the anchorage with lures out but was quiet around the outside of Greenly so lures in and zipped south to Rocky Island. Lures out upon arrival and 10 minutes later first strike on an average Bluefin. ended up with our limit of 4 (2 persons) in a hour with the last one taking the lure as I was setting it out. Went back to Greenly and cleaned the fish then headed back to Coffins, square the boat away and just made the flight back that evening. Great Trip - wish I got more calls like that. Youtube clip here


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

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Posts: 749

Date Joined: 22/08/12

Sure beats working wish i got a call like that

Mon, 2016-02-29 09:35

this morning! Whats up with the cuts behind the pectoral fins? is that the best way to bleed a tuna? I usually just cut its throat

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

Date Joined: 18/01/07

Can do either to bleed them

Mon, 2016-02-29 15:29

Can do either to bleed them but most I know cut behind the pec.


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

Mowong slayer's picture

Posts: 71

Date Joined: 20/04/15

 Boys e don't have many

Mon, 2016-02-29 16:05

 Boys e don't have many species you guys have up there but Tuna one of our main target .. Having worked on various charter boats and having family who ate sushimi gurus this is what we do

lay fish on a foam Mat which we have rolled up

jump directly on fish and stop the slapping this is main course for bruising in tail section

core fish between eyes and then poke a wire down the spine. This quickly immobilizes the fish the vital organ are still operating 

place a slice down both ends of tail area 

then a shallow cut behind pectrol fin , a deep on can stop heart pumping and allow blood to enter cavity which stuffs up the belly flap 

Run deck wash into mouth and gills for approx 3 minutes

you can pull out gills and internal organs in out through the mouth 

then into a kill bag loaded with ice we carry 150kg for two 50kg fish ( I have a commercial ice machine at home so before big tuna trips 500-1000 kg of ice at hand at home . )

tuna should not be cut for 24 hours . 

Try this and your tuna will be 90 eatable with least amount of wastage . The fat lines will be intact . Color a nice light color , meat nice and firm .

when storing if we cyro vac bags but with a plastic ( cut the sandwich trays which the bread man uses to deliver )

tuna will roit in is own juicies buy doing this we can keep tuna sushimi grade for 5-7 days keep under ice

no air and no blood is main rule for storing fish 

hope this helps 

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

Date Joined: 18/01/07

good tips MS, I have a

Sat, 2016-03-05 07:16

good tips MS,
I have a dedicated brain spiker but didn't have it on board due to the last minute nature of the trip.

We bled them well and got plenty of meat off them, not much cut out at all :-)


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions