FW to move hosting soon - A day or two offline
Hi Crew,
Just giving everyone plenty of notice that either late this week or sometime next week that fishwrecked will be offline for a day, maybe 2 at the most whilst we move servers from the U.S to Perth local. Lately the site has been sluggish and it really can't accomodate the growth we are experiencing. There's also been dramas from our US hosting company not being able to upgrade servers without 3 days of downtime so I figure the best thing is to try and go local and see if we can't get it a lot faster and keep the downtime minimal. We are going to a server 4 times as fast as the current one, so I wouldn't envisage us having any problems in the near future.
I will put up further notice when I get the exact days/dates of doing the move. Just keep this in mind if you see the site offline, don't stress, it will be back as soon as we can get it sorted. :)
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 2332
Date Joined: 20/07/09
Sounds like a good idea
Sounds like a good idea Adam! The speed will make all the difference!
Posts: 2258
Date Joined: 27/06/08
I know
I know last time we had a fundraiser for the new server Adam,everyone chipped in... whats is the story this time mate. Is this coming at extra costs?
Posts: 1823
Date Joined: 06/10/08
It sounds good. but i cant
It sounds good. but i cant not be on fishwrecked while its down :O
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
Posts: 1407
Date Joined: 05/03/09
cheers adam
thanks for making the site better for everyone greatly appreiciated mate
Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
Just remember that Reeltime runs on a separate server
So you can flick through the back issues while the main forum site is down.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Yep Wade, its an extra $80 per month, but I'm sure it will be worth it. I'm not going to run any specific fundraiser as that was an off the cuff thing not organised by me, even though it certainly helped pay for the costs that are ever increasing.
The donation option is still up the top of the site, but I'd really like people to get behind the site and buy the merchandise that is on offer, because it helps promote the site which is the most important thing, it helps in gaining more site sponsors which ultimately helps service the members with discounts and good services.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
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It wasn't that long ago we were commenting on reaching 50 members on line,now I noticed over a hundred is not uncommon.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Looking like its going to be this Friday (5-3-10) at this stage, will give you more details soon.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
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Excellent job
Adam, yes it gets very sluggish and half the time I just log out. Noticed the other day (late afternoon) there was 1000 guests and 85 members, just looked at who was on and thought, think I'll log out hahaha. Good luck Adam. Certainly is a excellent site for this old blonde fart. Moderators do a fantastic job as well.
Just wish the CPBA public forum would take off, people just seem to be too afraid to post pictures either of their holidays or catches and what ever else is on their mind, as you can see by the views that sometimes over 100 people have viewed photo or comments, we'll keep plodding on regardless, as the members wanted the web site.
Ginger Tablets Rock
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Its going to be Monday now, there were a few things done on Friday but too much to get completed. :(
Hopefully there wont be too much disruption.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 1823
Date Joined: 06/10/08
Well I bet again it will be
Well I bet again it will be good!
Is it Monday? Maybe ill come home from school and go on fishwrecked and ill be like wow not lagging!
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
Redfin 4 Life
Posts: 942
Date Joined: 07/11/09
Is it done yet?
Is it done yet?
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
This Monday hopefully, been a lot of dramas getting the finer details sorted. So if you do see it offline, that will be the reason.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 977
Date Joined: 19/01/10
Can't wait! It will be
Can't wait! It will be worth being offline for a bit. Good Stuff!
I fish for the future - Cause I can't bloody catch anything!
Redfin 4 Life
Posts: 942
Date Joined: 07/11/09
Yes it will. Are you guys
Yes it will. Are you guys finding it really slow this morning?
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
I will reset the server now and see if that makes any difference.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Redfin 4 Life
Posts: 942
Date Joined: 07/11/09
Thanks ill let you know if
Thanks ill let you know if it helps.
Posts: 106
Date Joined: 06/01/09
Site Cutover
All sorted Fellas ... The cutover has happened and is now live!!! Page loading is taking on average between 5 -6 seconds. Please notify Adam if you need us to look at anything.
Man Overboard
Posts: 957
Date Joined: 16/01/10
Looks like the pics in
Looks like the pics in opening posts are not coming through
Posts: 106
Date Joined: 06/01/09
I can see what has happened - some of the images are stored locally on the server. we need to take a new copy of the image directory off the old server and re upload it... we are doing that now... should be done by tonight.
Thanks for the heads up !!
Posts: 1296
Date Joined: 03/04/09
Sorry Ads but i recon it loads alot slower & by the time the forum topic loads i hav forgotten wot it is about, well almost. Not sure if anyone else is havin the same problems. I tried it with another site i frequent & it loads fast even with pics & vids. By the way it's not a porn site its a hotrod site, the porn site is on my laptop. lol. Intersted to know how others are goin. Cheers Rob
Cheers & Stay safe
Posts: 2258
Date Joined: 27/06/08
Yes im with you deckie, way slower for me!
Posts: 115
Date Joined: 16/11/09
just give it some more time guys.. we all know whats happening and the boys are still tweaking stuff.. it's not a matter of just turning a different computer on..
Posts: 1396
Date Joined: 25/06/09
understood but.
Adam and Mossie, At about 9:20pm I was getting fatal error msg's all over the place. I couldnt get new posts, or comments. The fatal error would come up with the poster/commentators picture, and the fatal error msg.I could see the sideboards, but no joy when clicking on the icons.
Not sure if the timestamping helps but I wasnt able to post till now.
Posts: 1396
Date Joined: 25/06/09
Also Random Images seems gone atm?
Has this been removed to stop n00bs commenting on prehistoric material?:D
Using firefox 3.6 too if that helps.
Posts: 106
Date Joined: 06/01/09
One of the guys was doing
One of the guys was doing some work on it at the time... so I am not sure if that was the case... we are tweaking a few things still - unfortunatley we couldnt test the new environment offline cause we needed to see how it would perform under load....
I am hoping to have everything wrapped up by tomorrow afternoon. !!!