Fishing Ideas

Heading out tomorrow morning as the easterly is forecasted to be light. Going from Woodies point with Tapout in his 18fter. Don't suppose anyone has been out from that way lately and got any pointers. Probably looking to head to the 5 or back of the 5. Heard there have been some big spanish macks caught around Rotto, but its so hit and miss it's hardly worth it so might just try bottom bounce and berlery up. Guess we'll just look for some cray pots, will take the camera just in case we got onto something. If you've got any better ideas of where the fish are I'd love to hear them.. :))))



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streetfighter80's picture

Posts: 1079

Date Joined: 12/02/06

sw bank 4 the big dhuies

Wed, 2006-05-31 19:34

sw bank 4 the big dhuies

mitch's picture

Posts: 1285

Date Joined: 14/08/05

beats workingalways in it

Wed, 2006-05-31 23:46

beats working thats for sure,good luck
always in it just the depth that varies

Rayman's picture

Posts: 17

Date Joined: 28/05/06

big Skippies

Wed, 2006-05-31 23:50

Well there are big skippies and Sambo's also the odd Amberjack out in 100 m plus 5/6 km's past Rotto .

If the weather holds out go get out there , Skippy to 6 kilo are getting caught this week so they are still out there.

I will ask around to see what else is biting if you want some more info, ohh yeah north west side of Rotto has Sambo's hanging around cray pots etc out there , cray guys have sambo's chasing pots up gobbling the Kacca's falling out the escape hole .

Small rat YTK's are still off west end if the swells down you can anchor up and burley them right to the boat then get the jiggy jigs out .

The EVIL Rayman.

Adam Gallash's picture

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Date Joined: 29/11/05

Fishing Thurs

Thu, 2006-06-01 23:26

Well, we gave it a pretty good crack for not much in results. We tried trolling through some birds on the 5 with no luck, a bottom bounce through some pots on the dropoff with wrasse as a result, a troll to rotto and out past west end from garden island saw nil results. Some drifts out the back of Rotto produced 2 underside successfully released dhuies and a 4-5ft bronzie which busted off at the boat on the light gear. The easterly was pretty gusty out there all day today and didn't make for pleasant fishing conditions, thou not overly bad either. Tried trolling all the way back in through west end to parker point with deep divers, shallows and a surface with no interest. Gave the macks a pretty good shot along with hoping for a rogue salmon or tuna, maybe a medium sized dhuie, oh well, always next time.

Cheers for taking me out today Tapout and thanks for the video too. :)))))



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Rayman's picture

Posts: 17

Date Joined: 28/05/06

This week end

Fri, 2006-06-02 09:23

Well I will be out probably Satdy as well as Sunday so will let ya's know how we go when I get time to log on as we tend to head out at 5.30 / 6 am and back in around 4.30 then clean fish , clean boat , clean self and drive home gets me home around 7/8 pm ( with a couple of cleansing ales thrown in at the end of the day ).

CHEERS , the EVIL Rayman.