DRone for fishing etc


THinking of buying a drone for beach fishing and maybe aerial view of water looking for weed banks for squidding etc, maybe dropping lures ahead of Tuna ?

Any suggestions welcomed



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Thu, 2024-04-11 17:39

 I recently bought one and spoke to a couple of blokes that have had a fair bit to do with them. They both said get a DJI or nothing. I bought Mini 2 SE for $498. I bought it for coral bay for finding mantas whale sharks and tiger sharks. It is really easy to fly and takes awesome video and photos. If you do buya drone get on youtube as there are countless videos on how to set up and fly them.

Ericl's picture

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Thanks Crano

Thu, 2024-04-11 22:11

 Can the mini drop a bait ? or will I need a larger model


Don't spend all your money on beer, boats, and fishing. Save some to spend foolishly

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Fri, 2024-04-12 07:40

 Been thinking about getting a drone for shore-based snapper and looked into a few so far. The DJI are the leading brand, easy to fly and really good camera. However, the Minis have very little payload, some only 30g, which is not enough for a bait and sinker rig. For heavier payload in the DJI lineup need to look at the Mavics and Phantom,s or some other brand.

Pete F's picture

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Your better off with a

Fri, 2024-04-12 07:45

Your better off with a fishing drone they have fail safes like drop the bait and return home on low battery. Most carry 3kg weight, the mini probably more like 30grams.

Cuta copter camera only looks down and does not record. Bad service and after sales too. 

Swell pro 4 has good camera and water proof too, I loved my SD3 wish i never sold it very reliable. 

Barracopter a new one from Sydney not sure but think the camera is the same as Cuta

MAFF sell two drones and WA based so easy for servicing etc. I have the Poseidon pro the camera has only two pan settings and quite a high fixed zoom so not great for photography. They also sell a smaller one kingfisher folds up and carries about 1kg, the camera is said to be suitable for photography, records HD to a card, otherwise not sure on the cameras functions. 



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 If you are open to second

Fri, 2024-04-12 07:47

 If you are open to second hand I have ended up with two large drones at the moment and only need the one. I was going to get a smaller kingfisher as my second drone. 



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 I've recently got a Mavic

Fri, 2024-04-12 13:28

 I've recently got a Mavic pro, dropped a few  live baits out on heavy line to 150m and went well but this was in dead calm conditions. If I had the cash I would get a proper fishing drone but as I am learning the ropes Mavic pro is a good start. Just need pretty calm conditions and thin line for big drops I reckon. Good luck it's pretty fun and opens up heaps of options


Bend over

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Thanks all

Sat, 2024-04-13 08:20

 Thanks for the replies so far.

I am leaning toward a swell pro 4. Heaps of stuff on youtube as mentioned by crano so will spend lots of time viewing them

What models are your second hand ones Pete F



Don't spend all your money on beer, boats, and fishing. Save some to spend foolishly

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 Cutacopter, long story about

Sun, 2024-04-14 14:14

 Cutacopter, long story about that one but in a nut shell it landed in the sea. Has been totally rebuilt wit all new electricals up to a Barracopter motors flight controller etc. Only fished with it once since rebuild flys beautiful.

The other is a Poseidon Pro, haven't flown that one over water as yet. We have been getting so many snapper off the cast I haven't had the need. 

I will start drone fishing again in winter when the swell are up and the weed moves into my casting spots. I wanted to try the kingfisher for the small size in my truck so I have it at call every day, but can't justify 3 



Ericl's picture

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Bought a Swellpro

Fri, 2024-08-23 17:26


I bought a swellpro in the end. Splashdrone 4 with a payload release. (long story as to why I went that route) Had some problems with a broken on / off switch on the remote which a mate of mine fixed - $2 switch and had no support from Swellpro. I have now done some trial flights and all seems well so looking forward to trying it when we get a weather break. Any chance I can come see how you do things Pete F. Wanting to get a bit more knowledge before I send an expensive toy out over the ocean - Chjeers


Don't spend all your money on beer, boats, and fishing. Save some to spend foolishly

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Swell pro ..

Sat, 2024-08-24 01:46

Me and my mate are goin halves in a

swell pro for next years pink season. 
as for looking for weed banks for the 

squid! I just look over the side out there

in the boat . Cheers pirate 

Da pirate's picture

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Issues .?

Mon, 2024-09-02 21:17

Heard you had some issues with 

your swell pro today Eric ! Care too 

elaborate ? I'm looking at the same 

model you went with ! Cheers pirate

Ericl's picture

Posts: 476

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User error

Tue, 2024-09-03 07:16

 Hi Pirate

It was user error. Need to re-calibrate.I'll send you a pm later today - Cheers


Don't spend all your money on beer, boats, and fishing. Save some to spend foolishly

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From experience, I would

Tue, 2024-09-03 09:51

From experience, I would recomend buying a drone that can drop baits up to 700 metres offshore. A drone that can also carry a decent bait. And a drone that has after sales service. I have been droning since 2019. I run the SwellPro SD3, Old but love it. I also run the Cuta Copter T5K and love that as well. I once bought the SwelPro SD4 but sold it straight away, it wasn't for me. I have had a lot of problems finding someone to service the SwellPro in WA (This might have changed now since I last looked into this). For Cuta Copta, Andrew at WayPoint Fishing Drones in Ellenbrook is doing a great job and he can be found on FB. Do your research before buying and don't ever cut corners when using your drone. Good luck and great fishing.


Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!

Ericl's picture

Posts: 476

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All good

Sat, 2024-09-07 19:25

Hi Pirate

Re-calibrated (twice) to be sure and the drone behaved perfectly. Will do another beach session soon, but this time, I'll just stay close and probably not even drop baits. Just play with the camera, see what I can see in the water. Weather this week looking good so will go maybe Wednesday or Thursday.

Bluetonic, could you let me know what you found bad about the SD4, that would be great



Don't spend all your money on beer, boats, and fishing. Save some to spend foolishly