Deep Drop Cracked !
long time between posts...whats up all.
Well, too much fishing, not enough working, and far too much spending $$$$$$$ Some how managed to end with a pair of Shimano Beast Master 9000 paired with shimano status B/B Pe 5-8 rods......complete angler nedlands thank you, if ya looking for a bnunch of good lads who know their shit and are happy to help as much as they can, give them a visit.
Please keep in mind. I have never deep dropped with electrics , let alone used an electric. Had one drift with some diawa one years back up in exxy... my biggesy complaint F****** bait! get that smelly shit off my boat. hate it. First time i had ever dropped with it on the new tub. The odd decky here or there i crew with , fish bait, but they get resigned to the starboard bow corner. and normally a fair bit of tongue and cheek about cleaning duties and how much i hate the stuff (generally they clean as they go then, and never an issue) but when pandamodeom happens and its all systems go. our methodical cleaning skills dissappeared , 2 out of the 3 trips out there, the deckies were very green, with not the best sea legs. Keen as all hell but for some reason , when their mindest is going deep dropping, everyones sea legs are out the door and dont mind the odd vomit. These guys do reghulary come dhuey fishing with me
and no, no one was kind of to give me marks... ha ha ha
what the few i know that deep drop (all catch fish) and complete angler, their were a couple common going points. Which i will keep to myself cause that and the amount of research i have done before these first few trips, and a few logical decisions along the way.....
half day out after a gentlemens start and a dhue jig heading out,
That session was called one of the following;
- "learning about currents, and drifts(lots of missed drifts on guesstimates" ,
- "the idle length of rigs etc et (lots of tangles)"!
- " how not to throw a 1.2 kg sinker rigged with 40 pd fluro......sigh" not once , not twice but 3 times. sigh there goes my 3rd sinker you twat
Think i ended up putting 2 baits down. whats wrose. was finally committing to dropping my boats first bait down (for myself).
The end learning curves, deep dropping requires a full day , while doing recon. not half day turn and burns.
Well, first full day trip. Hopes were high and soon enough the sun was setting and we were on the way in with the word, green eye amongst other things. The big spend on the sounder package only to learn, a few new things now to remember and keep changing, till i find the best settings for certain depths. sigh.
2nd trip, started at an area we found structure. first drop nothing, just sharkies...... sounded north slightly in a NE direction, about a 1 km off that original mark. "Thats different". i said to the decky. hmmm...still not having any understanding about sounders (cause the trips he has come out, we fish dhues normally and hes all well and keen to learn) but when you throw all that out the door and tell him now we are doing basially the opposite in a way. He was just confused. hell i dont exactly know what we are spouse to be looking for yet! didnt even get time to really see the bottm, and as they say in NZ i was getting "Railed as bro" with no gimble bar one of those shitty cheep ones that does sweet FA. a nice bent but going into the groin areas and pure up and down motions. I still have broozing around that right now.
Now i have caught a 49kg bass on PE 8 JM gear (from 180), a 32 kg Puka from 42 m of water on PE 4, they all fought similar hard at the start but once off the bottom seem to not cave in, but you new you had won kinda, well not this one. this one made me pay till about 75m was its final last semi railing. it pulled. like i am kind of gob smacked. at how hard it went to be honest.
so after 15- or so minutes, about 50m off the boat, and yes i will never forget that bubbles then pop, like a submarine up comes this head and now floating on the surface...... didnt want to even call what it was, as i was so fucked , i just wanted the fish in. ha. and my decky gaffs "what the F*** is that"... thats a big fat slab of puka and a new PB yeoow.....
the decky got a 15kg model on the same drift a couple drifts later.
Rest of the day, reality check. green eyes.
So i have learnt a fair bit. so far, the ups and downs. and will still proibaly feel the downs for quite some time. I am well aware that i fluked finding ground on the 2nd real day out there, but stoked in a way as i had litrally 0 marks and put some area with reasonble contours loooking at some certain sea maps.
my best pieces of advice and what i found usefull for me and will continue to do so;
- Number one; LISTEN to who ever you ask, and take it in, but do not swear by it, you will eventuelly find what and how works for you in your boat, i am still learning this and progression is made every trip out there whether fishless or not. the the 4 different lads i have talked to, one thing seem to be distincted, all had something specific while could be completely different to one another to say about something.... hence why i say dont swear buy what ever one tells you, different things work on different days etc etc. Take everything in, any info on deep dropping advice is hard enought to get!
- Screen shots , these helped alot. Show people you know who have caught fish, and ask the questiuons your self,
- take an IPOD you loose all radio reception, and its a quiet day with no music and awkward silences are kind of actuelly really awkward out to sea.... i dont know why
excited was an understatement, cracked it. 4 more species to find....and then repeat on manual jig
- the other photos are of , my man cave room / bar. I am currently sleeping their, as im doing renos in the main bedroom and ensuite but moove back their this weekend! once all set up she will be a pretty ladsy place to have a beer.
- Oh yeah, just did my Electrical Contractors Ticket....and boy i was impressed with the course that was put on. really really helpful and highly recommend where i did it (PM me if you wanna know more)
the fish bottomed out the scales at 30+, my guesstimate 35+, deckies 40+ as well as my two room mates who came and had a lift. call it what you want.
the one where you see the filleted puke, looks like the baby.... only photo i think i got, rest ont he deckies phone.
over and out, it will be a while till my next post..... this starting a new buisness is going to be a reality check from living the dream of no work for 4 months
and i would like to lastly thank, the lads who helped me with what ever advice they wanted to throw my way. I have met a couple real good lads from this website who i still talk and fish with regulary, and some of your inputs were crucial to cracking on the 2nd full day! it is appreciated and you know who you are.
a hard days fishing still beats work
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ace rimmer
Posts: 187
Date Joined: 19/08/13
great trip
sounds like a great fishing trip and love seeing all the fishing gear in the lounge room.... I take it you are a Bachelor to get away with that
Posts: 1358
Date Joined: 13/04/11
not a bachelor at all!
not a bachelor at all!
a hard days fishing still beats work
PGFC member
GCGFC memberStevo81
Posts: 1278
Date Joined: 16/04/12
Onya Brett! Solid fish
Onya Brett! Solid fish mate!
•••••••• Electrical Contractor NOR ••••••••
Bryce Day
Posts: 812
Date Joined: 01/06/15
Good work bud, Nothing like
Good work bud,
Nothing like getting out and doing it off your own back. And your rewarded with a fish!
Top stuff!
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
The smile the fish enough said
A great catch well done with that.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Good write up
Good write up mate and well done on cracking it!
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 2839
Date Joined: 07/07/10
Fooly sic cuzzy bro! you
Fooly sic cuzzy bro!
you deserve it Brett, you put in the research, the cash and the the hard yards. It took you three less trips than us to get your first spa bath!
Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.