Craypot capstan winch wiring advice

 Ok the time has come where I'm done with manual handling of pots and am installing a tipper and winch on the boat. I've picked up a second hand capstan winch and foot switch. Just looking for the best way to wire it. I'm guessing foot switch  straight to the isolator? Any advice appreciated.


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Sat, 2020-10-17 08:22

Mine has a Anderson under the winch then approx 1.5m tail from the foot switch to plug into it. Has always worked well.


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Getting soft eh Andy?

Sat, 2020-10-17 13:56

I'm pretty sure you can buy a floating zimmer frame these days.....

on a serious note go the winch and tipper 'twill make your life way easier.


 My wife understands why I clean my rods n reels in the shower....


sea-kem's picture

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 Yep doing both mate, tipper

Sat, 2020-10-17 14:21

 Yep doing both mate, tipper being custom made. But sick of getting covered in cray rope shite and trying to save my back. 


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Wiring a winch...

Sat, 2020-10-17 14:35


You need to find out what current the winch will draw under load.... ie when the pot is stuck.

The current draw will depend on winch type, ie if its a direct drive (like a starter motor) it will draw more amps than a geared down motor.


Once you know the max current any auto elect (or ask on here ) will be able to tell you the wire size to use . The current will also determine the size circuit breaker you should use.


Wiring the foot swich also has its 'complexities'...

does it switch the whole winch current or does it operate a relay in the winch?  If it operates a relay in the winch it can use much thinner wire....

Wiring it via an Andersen plug is a very good idea, you can stow it out of the way when your not stealing crays   pulling pots


THen... wire it back to your motor start battery (my opinion) via the isolation switch and idle your motor when you are pulling pots.


POst photos of the winch and foot switch so we can offer more direct advice.


Oh..... If you havent got the facilities, get someone who has- to connect all the cable lugs- they need to be crimped properly-- dont attempt to solder them (poor joints heat up and I have seen soldered lugs melt)


Dont get scared because of this.... better to do it right... and only have to do it once.

sea-kem's picture

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 Cheers mate, it's a South

Sat, 2020-10-17 15:10

 Cheers mate, it's a South Pacific EC600A

Here's a link with some info, feedback appreciated.

I deffinitely no auto sparkie but I do have a few ideas on wiring just as you say want to get it right. The foot switch has a flip up cover and  a black rubber spherical cover for the actuator if that helps

I'll put a pic up next week as the switch is at work


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Looks good..

Sat, 2020-10-17 15:47

 Looks like its a geared winch coz it quotes a gearing efficiency, average amps 20A so may pull up to 35A if it gets stuck.


If you use 10 square mm cable (minimum) you should have no trouble.  ANdersen connectors for up to 50A are small and almost cheap....


Now it just depends on the foot switch you have.    If its for a relay type, a 40A relay is readily available, as is a 40A circuit breaker.


either way, it will be fairly straight-forward.

WHen you post the switch pic, please also post a pic showing the wiring connections and any name/model date if its on it.


sea-kem's picture

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 Will do re the foot

Sat, 2020-10-17 16:11

 Will do re the foot switch.

Wow, that is big arsed cable. I guess it's to carry the voltage and not over heat? 


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cable size

Sun, 2020-10-18 07:46

 Yep... bear in mind thats the area of the cable, not the diameter. the diameter of the copper will be around 4.5mm


As winch load increases, so does the amps drawn. As the total cable length (add the lenght of BOTH conductors- +ve and -ve) the voltage drop over the cable increases, so less volts at the winch and less efficiency.


If you have a fairly short distance from the battery to the winch you could get away with lighter cable.  6mm automotive cable (repco/supercheap/autobarn etc) - 4.6 squ-mm  and supposedly carries 38 amps .


Also remember, the heavy cable is only to cater for the occassions when a pot gets stuck and loads up the winch. If this never happens and the winch operates at the nominated 20Amps, then the 6mm automotive cable meets all operational specs


I guess one way is to install the 6mm automotive cable and see if it does the trick- after all, the difficulty is going to be mounting the tipper!

sstevee's picture

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 Just make sure you use

Sun, 2020-10-18 08:50

 Just make sure you use 'Tinned' cable. I'd probly go an 8 or 6 B&S twin sheath too. Just makes life easier when running it and adds protection. 
Pretty good info above. Basic rule of wiring is to make sure your cable is the largest rated component. It needs to be rated for well above the circuit breaker. Then the circuit breaker just needs to be big enough to offer protection for the device without being too big that it doesn't do anything. I'd probly also go an auto reset circuit breaker in this application Andy. That way if you do trip it trying to get a pot out it'll auto reset and you can go again (although I wouldn't do this repeatedly). Save you having to physically go to the breaker and reset it.


sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 More good info, thanks

Sun, 2020-10-18 09:21

 More good info, thanks Steve. I'll do some research on circuit breakers, hopefully something waterproof but can tuck it up under the rear of the transom.


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 Did you build some pro size

Mon, 2020-10-19 17:53

 Did you build some pro size pots yet Andy? 


 rather be fishing

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

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 No mate not yet, no bloody

Mon, 2020-10-19 17:59

 No mate not yet, no bloody time with my work load at the moment. I will do though at some stage. 


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 Thanks for all the help

Mon, 2020-10-26 10:40

 Thanks for all the help fellas. Dmck I checked out the foot switch and a relay under there, so will renew that along with the wiring. I've read the relay is better suited closer to the battery, would you recommend that? Or leave it near the switch?


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relay position..

Mon, 2020-10-26 11:17

  The relay can go wherever is convenient.

You should have a fuse or circuit breaker as stevee said, and this needs to go as close to the battery as possible, keeping in mind it has to be accessible to reset (unless you get an auto reset one)

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Thanks again mate, excellent

Tue, 2020-10-27 10:16

 Thanks again mate, excellent info and appreciated.


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Tue, 2020-10-27 12:12


Ya pays yer membership fees and ya get the service!!