Albany and east

Hey just wondering if anyone is keen to go for a fish. I have very limited knowledge of fishing salt water. I grew up fishing lakes and rivers of central Canada. I'm very keen on getting out there, and have been going solo learning slowly, but steady.

A different kind of fishing.


Cheers NP

Posts: 604

Date Joined: 02/01/11

Can you enlighten us with the

Tue, 2011-05-31 21:52

Can you enlighten us with the name of the fish please




scottland's picture

Posts: 3040

Date Joined: 10/05/10

looks like

Tue, 2011-05-31 21:58

 pike to me


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

Northern Pike's picture

Posts: 13

Date Joined: 30/05/11

 Northern Pike, the Indians

Wed, 2011-06-01 06:39

 Northern Pike, the Indians called them water wolfs.

This one is a white sucker.