Abrolhos March 2022

 Hey guys,


Just throwing up some pics from an abrolhos trip earlier this year.


2 nights at the island

(stayed on the island because of friends) (very lucky)

plenty of big  baldies and trout, no pelagics in sight

Fish of the trip would have been the cod on 10lb, caught on a little 2.5" zman grub, 8lb fluro holding strong.

Otherwise would have been a stickbait-caught baldie on pe3 gear that would have been well over 10kgs that ran me around several ledges, making me swim out to stop it, and finally untangled it, got it to the shore and leader snapped because of the reef.

Was mainly a diving trip with a bit of trolling- although nothing caught trolling besides an infinite number of baby trout.

Fishing was mainly done landbased with lures (except for the squid) on the island, caught some other fish but mainly small

Saw some monster tailor which i thought were sambos whilst walking the reef, seeing them through the waves was unreal as they were massive 90cm+ fish with a couple  probably exceeding 1m+

 Lost plenty of big cod, trout, kings, sambos, pinks, and baldies on the light gear but loads of fun.

Went through 4 50m spools of leader.

Fresh seafood every night, squid, fish crays etc.

Hopefully go back sometime soon




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Posts: 1086

Date Joined: 21/05/12

 good effort 

Tue, 2022-11-01 13:46

 good effort


sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Wow! Awesome pics there

Tue, 2022-11-01 14:39

 Wow! Awesome pics there mate. 


Love the West!

Swompa's picture

Posts: 3913

Date Joined: 14/10/12

 Awesome pics! Looking

Tue, 2022-11-01 14:48

 Awesome pics! Looking forward to getting my family over one day once the next boat is sorted. 

Brock O's picture

Posts: 3262

Date Joined: 11/01/08

Very Nice...Well Done. Kids

Tue, 2022-11-01 14:53

Very Nice...Well Done.

Kids on the right track.

big john's picture

Posts: 8766

Date Joined: 20/07/06

Well done

Tue, 2022-11-01 17:48

Well done Josh. Great report. 


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

Posts: 451

Date Joined: 29/04/18

 Thats awesome buddy ,

Tue, 2022-11-01 18:24

 Thats awesome buddy , fantastic photos god i love that place 


 Happy dayz 

Posts: 32

Date Joined: 24/10/22

Cheers guys

Tue, 2022-11-01 18:49

 Cheers guys hopefully have some more reports coming soon 

Posts: 755

Date Joined: 29/03/13

Love that

Tue, 2022-11-01 20:27

Place. Those tailor sound epic! Thanks for the report  


Down the Line


Catch the Experience 

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Great pics

Wed, 2022-11-02 05:30

 Makes me want to go fishing.


Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance

Posts: 1118

Date Joined: 19/06/14

Nice work!.

Wed, 2022-11-02 07:19

Looks like you need to change your name, cleaning up young man.


 My wife understands why I clean my rods n reels in the shower....


J Mann's picture

Posts: 47

Date Joined: 02/09/15


Wed, 2022-11-02 09:39

Great photos Josh. Looks like an awesome trip judging by that smile on your dial.

davewillo's picture

Posts: 2482

Date Joined: 08/09/16

 Awesome stuff Josh! Pretty

Tue, 2022-11-08 15:44

 Awesome stuff Josh! Pretty special part of the world up there.


 PGFC member and lure tragic

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18090

Date Joined: 11/03/08

Sounds like a fantastic trip.

Wed, 2022-11-09 16:03

Sounds like a fantastic trip. Them Bauldies are of a great size . Well done all round


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together