18ft center console for Albany sambo jigging advice.
Submitted by kelvintyj on Mon, 2024-04-29 12:44
Hi guys,
I have a 18ft fiberglass center console that I'm keen to take it down to Albany for Sambo jigging.
As most of the Sambo spots behind rotto are packed with sharks, it is nearly impossible to get a Sambo over 20kg.
My boat can carry 75L of fuel and can travel up to 90nm. I did some research and thinking emu point probably the best ramp to launch.
My question is how far do I need to travel to start finding some good Sambo jigging ground ?
Looking up on Navionics there are some wrecks and pinnacle around breaksea island, will there be a good starting point or I should head out deeper for the bigger Sambo ?
Any pointers will be greatly appreciated!!!
Thanks guys!
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Date Joined: 06/06/06
Have you tried the Gemini wreck, I have regularly had fun on Sambo's to 30kg and no sharks , plus it's not in 100m+ water. (Derwent might be a bit far for your boat.)
You will need a reel with a good drag if you hook a big one, I upgraded my Saltist 40 to 12.5 kg drag to get the big ones to turn their head to stop them from bricking me on the wreck. (I can't handle more than that heavy a drag anyway, it's a lot of drag if you do it up with a pair of pliers)
My biggest Sambo was 1520mm. (biggest I have seen went 1650mm)
OFW member 088
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Hi bud,
Is the Gemini wreck out from Mindarie?
Been there once but only get small Sambo on it. Mayb it's the wrong time of the year. Are they there all year round? Or on summer they get bigger?
Thanks bud
Daniel Westerduin
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Date Joined: 30/10/06
90 nautical miles or 166kms
90 nautical miles or 166kms is pretty impressive on 75 litres. I don't think many boats would do that in Albany sea conditions. Just something to consider in Albany as it comes up rough quite often. Plenty of big Sambos around all the islands including Eclipse Island.
Posts: 94
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Hi bud,
I got a Suzuki 90 HP on it ay, pretty good on fuel.
I'm aware the swell can be scary down there, they why I ask before I plan my trip, hahahaha need to respect the ocean at all time!
For eclipse island, is it still good to launch from emu point? Or the town ramp be closer ya?
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Launching point doesn't make
Launching point doesn't make much diff to the overall trip.
I've always just used Emu Point.
I would say just use the ramp closest to where you are staying.
I also wouldn't go all the way to Albany just to jig sambo's. Theres plenty of Sambo's metro, even in close.
I got a heap on the weekend just gone in 15-20m, even trolled one up.
Plus, it will be a wet and cold ride in an open boat down there. Thats no fun....
Posts: 94
Date Joined: 02/04/13
Hi bud,
Cheers for the info, I can find Sambo under 10kg around metro pretty easy.
Just wanna crack the 20kg mark on jig hahahha
Daniel Westerduin
Posts: 429
Date Joined: 30/10/06
I always launched at the
I always launched at the town ramp or Little Grove ramp. I fished out there regularly doing overnighters as well in a 4.8m cuddy cab boat. It will be a wet ride a lot of the time in an open boat but definitely doable. Try Maude Reef area too. Plenty of big Sambos there often. Beware it breaks quite often around there too.
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Cheers bud,
Will sus out the Maude reef area if I do head down there
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Really no need to go to
Really no need to go to albany in search of sambos, you'll find them in all depths on any solid ground, sometimes theyll find you make enough noise.
Back in my 2 stroke days I used to rev the boat in and out of gear when I was near ground and theyd show up. Find some ground in 20/40m (even less) and have a jig, theres no shortage.
40m contour has heaps of dirty great lumps they get pro crayed hard, always have sambos, theyll be high up in the column on sounder.
Normally the first fish that swoops in on you when diving.
Posts: 94
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Yea there heaps of rats
Yea there heaps of rats Sambo out there, just having trouble finding Sambo over 20kg hahahah
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Fish are not scared of some noise, they have come to know that the cray boats that are making a hell of a noise means a free feed from the bait boxs , just try and let a bait float down with a big circle in it and the big fish seem to hook themselves.
I have had good success using a 300gm Sea Rock the white with a red head is my favorite jig.
OFW member 088
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Most of the Sambo I caught
Most of the Sambo I caught around metro is under 10kg mark,
Went out to the barges during summer, damn spot was filled with shark, those Basterds get the jig before the Sambo even had a chances.
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Date Joined: 10/03/12
Keep trying and stay away
Keep trying and stay away from carparks like the barges, youve probably driven over 50 plus sambo lumps on the way to the barges.
Drop off behind the Five fathom holds plenty too
Da pirate
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Sambos ..
I had one nail my hooked squid last
Thursday in 3m of water .. off mindaire.
least I got my jig back and was a large
squid too .. was ... cheers pirate.
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i'd be going to jurien or
i'd be going to jurien or leeman before Albany.
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+1 for jurien
+1 for jurien
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Rogee, will sus out jurien as it is closer ay.
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double post/
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Over the years my mates & I have caught quite a few Sambos & I agree they diserve their name as they can go real hard but my question is this I have caught & attempted to eat them SDome cook up a treat with nice firm ,whites flesh anda great tast BUT? we have also keept one bleed it put it on ice claend ,cooked Not quite made love to it but treated it as a good fish should be only to find when cooked the flesh goes to mush ,like a tissue soaked in fishy water that is unedable IMO so have any of you Sambo enthusiasts found the same trouble or are you stickly catch & release
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Kept Sambo once and was told not to bring them back next.
Purely just catch and release for them
Posts: 317
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Bit of a lottery
Over the years have landed the occasional Sambo deeply hooked when fishing for demersals, so have kept it to eat. Of four or five such fish, about half were mushy and the others OK. Looked it up and the cause is a marine fish parasite called Kudoa. It occurs worldwide and can infect several species,including sambo, yellowtail kings, tailor etc, but I've only encountered it in those sambos from Perth metro. Not harmful to humans and what I read says the mushy flesh after cooking is due to the parasite releasing enzymes duirng cooking that start to dissolve the muscle tissues of the fish flesh. The extent of the mushuiness depends on the severity of the parasite infection and the amount of enzymes released, so very slight infection would maybe still leave the flesh firm. Anyway, these days I do my best to release them, as it seems a shame to kill one then find you can't eat it.
Faulkner Family
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You would have found the
You would have found the sambo that went mushy would have had worms . I have eaten many sambo over the years . Unfortunately you don't know it has worms until you fillet it. They go well with a creamy lemon sauce over chips or mash.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
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That is the reason why some ass hole with a big net leaves the Sambo's to breed off Rotto as they can't turn them into fish patties, if they could they would decimate the Sambo stock in a couple of years.
I use to take one home every now and then when I was Deckie on Shikari , I heard of it happening but never had a mushy one, I use to hot smoke mine in an old Webber BBQ.
I know from the tagging programme I helped on that fish came from all over the southern parts of Aust, one tagged fish turned up in Port Lincoln SA 19 days after being tagged off Rotto.
OFW member 088
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Albany has heaps of fishing
Albany has heaps of fishing potential, but not many good fishing days - especially this time of year.
I would want a nice warm waterproof jacket in the cc
Sometimes I will be out past Bald head in forecast of 2.5-3.5 & it's more like 5m+ swells Rolling through, a low swell prediction usually needs a few days of low swell to flatten out.