Perth to Exmouth End November

Hi all,

Not sure if it's too early to make arrangements.
Anyone got space up in Exmouth late Nov?
Rest of the group can't get off work. So 2 week trip is supposed to get scrapped.
Flying in from Singapore, arriving in Perth Nov 24th and can fish till Dec 4-5 to head back to Perth flying out on the 6th.
I can find lodging in perth so a couple of days off is also cool.

Was to be a fly fishing trip for trevally and sailfish but any fishing is good.
Will be happy to fish off a boat or ruff it off the beach.
I have all my own gear and can do all my own rigging. Happy to sleep on the beach.

Will be happy to drive up to Exmouth to meet up, or to meet up in Perth.
Would prefer to meet up in Perth so we can split the cost from the start and I'm happy to supply as much beer as you can drink - but not while driving.
I'm also happy to call you from Singapore to make any arrangements if you can provide your contact.

Tight lines